Frankie has 3 beautiful female puppies. They were born April 1st.
They are looking for their forever home.
Two are black with tan paws, spot under their tails. Roxi is smaller but is the feisty one, she is always coming out of the crate exploring, squeaks is also Black and Tan. She has white on her chest and part of her face. She likes to snuggle. She also seems to like her big brother from an earlier litter. Dot is the stockiest of the 3. Her body is black and white on the underside. Her head is white with a black spot on top of her head and part of one ear is also black. They are eating soft food now, they love playing with each other and their big brother. They will come with all vaccinations and workings up to date, health certificate, one year guarantee against any life threatening genetic health problems. They are registered with AKC.Can deliver for a additional fee.
Accepting non refundable deposits. Pups will need to be paid in full before leaving to new home. $3000
Call or text 270 262 8080 to reserve your new pup.
Puppies are located in Glasgow, KY
Can also message Lori on Facebook.
Posting pictures tomorrow.