History does indeed repeat itself. A century ago it was the 1918 flu pandemic; greedy, shortsighted industrialists eroding liberty and sowing corruption (when America coined the term millionaire); vast inequality (1880s How The Other Half Lives, mirrored in the 1980s through to today); Social Darwin doctrine, mirrored in today's arguments about society's obligation to the poor; the hostile takeover of our political economy by bankers, and the creation of the "Federal" Reserve at Jekyl Island; the selling of our populace into tax slavery; The Great Depression, where the collapse of our economy was contrived by those same bankers to consolidate power and repossess capital (mirrored in 2008 and again now in 2020). If you don't believe the greedy are evil enough to kill for profit (never mind the military industrial complex), just remember the Enron scandal. Then there were reforms, regulation, and labor unions (continually assaulted and rolled back); there was the Dust Bowl of the 30s, a huge environmental catastrophe, worsened by land mismanagement and unsustainable farming practices (mirrored now and for the foreseeable future). Just imagine the coming fire and hurricane seasons exacerbated by climate change over the next 10 years. "No poor person ever gave me a job." Go ahead, keep repeating that mantra, and you might as well be saying, "Sure, I'm a slave, but I'm a house slave where life is better for me"...for now, maybe. The American Dream used to mean land ownership and self-sufficiency. That is why our forefathers escaped the Feudalism of Europe. Monied people in the shadows have always been the evil rotting the foundations of life, liberty, and happiness. Are you really sure you want to kick the can down the road another hundred years to properly deal with these issues, or can we all please wake up to address with them now while everything is already in disarray? Change first begins with a change of mind.