Frame of Mind Dog Training LLC

Frame of Mind Dog Training LLC Offering pet dog training in person and online using positive reinforcement based methods. Now offering online courses!

Enjoy the convenience of private training at a price similar to group classes. Online courses let you train on your schedule, in whatever environment works best for your dog. The first course available is Loose Leash Walking, and more will be added soon! Group classes are held at Milton Manor in Middle Grove NY. Classes currently offered are Puppy Preschool, Basic Manners, Intermediate Manners, Ad

vanced Manners/Canine Good Citizen, and Sports & Tricks. There is a maximum of five dogs per class. Group classes are appropriate for dogs who are comfortable being in close proximity to other dogs and people. To sign up for a class, visit

Private, in-home training is available for basic manners training, as well as housebreaking and crate training. Sessions are one hour each and tailored to meet the needs of you and your dog. At this time I am not able to take on any cases involving reactivity or aggression. All private training starts with a free phone consult, to schedule that visit

Training Tip: Once you get past the beginning stages of teaching a behavior, make sure you practice it without any treat...

Training Tip: Once you get past the beginning stages of teaching a behavior, make sure you practice it without any treats on you.

For example, once your dog can lay down without being lured and can stay there while you take a few steps away, it's time to get the treats off of your body while you practice. So work on some down stays by leaving treats on the counter, then cue your dog to lay down. While they stay put, you can walk to the counter and grab a treat, then bring it back to your dog. As long as your dog remains in their down stay, you can keep moving around the room and periodically grab a treat from the counter to bring to your dog.

You don't need to be stealthy when you pick up treats and bring them back to your dog, it's totally fine for your dog to see you do this. The point of this exercise is to show your dog that it still pays off to do what you ask even when you don't have any food in your hands or pockets. The more that you practice rewarding your dog this way, the better your dog will get at working for you without seeing food ahead of time.

Meet Tank! He's a 6 month old Maltese, and his owners enrolled in private training to build some basic manners skills. T...

Meet Tank! He's a 6 month old Maltese, and his owners enrolled in private training to build some basic manners skills. Today we started working on down stays, and Tank and his people did a great job!

Congratulations Baci! She just graduated from Basic Manners at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Congratulations Baci! She just graduated from Basic Manners at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

I really appreciate my clients and all of the work they put in with their dogs. It always makes me happy to hear that th...

I really appreciate my clients and all of the work they put in with their dogs. It always makes me happy to hear that they enjoy training classes too!

Training Tip: When you teach a behavior with a food lure, try to get the food out of the picture as soon as possible.For...

Training Tip: When you teach a behavior with a food lure, try to get the food out of the picture as soon as possible.

For example, if you teach your dog to sit by luring, only lure them with food a couple of times. As long as your dog follows the lure and sits a few times, switch to luring without food in your hand. You can make the same luring motion with your empty hand, and then once your dog sits down, feed a treat from your other hand. This way, your dog is no longer seeing the food ahead of time.

Getting the food out of your luring hand asap makes it less likely that your dog only does what you ask if they see food first.

What's your favorite photo of your dog? Leave one in the comments!This is one of my favorites of Flynn, clearly showing ...

What's your favorite photo of your dog? Leave one in the comments!

This is one of my favorites of Flynn, clearly showing that he was not just digging in the dirt.

Great job Jasper! He just graduated from Basic Manners at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Great job Jasper! He just graduated from Basic Manners at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Training Tip: When you're using food for reinforcement, use more exciting food when you're working around distractions.R...

Training Tip: When you're using food for reinforcement, use more exciting food when you're working around distractions.

Reinforcement is your dog's motivation to do what you ask of them. When you're using food for reinforcement, keep in mind that your dog likes some foods more than others. Use that to your advantage by using exciting, really tasty food to motivate your dog in distracting environments.

It varies by dog, but generally low value treats are foods that your dog eats regularly (like kibble) or dry, crunchy biscuits. Use these when you're training at home.

Soft, chewy treats are usually higher value for most dogs, so try using those when you're training in your yard or in other mildly distracting places.

For really high value treats, try cooked meat (chicken, turkey, beef, or even hot dogs), cheese, peanut butter, or really smelly foods like freeze dried liver. These foods are great choices in really distracting environments like at the park or in group classes.

What are your dog's favorite treats to work for?

Congratulations Daisy! She just graduated from Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Daisy! She just graduated from Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Chip! He recently completed Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Chip! He recently completed Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Meet Zinny and Johnny! They're both sweet and friendly hounds. We've been working on recalls, go to bed, and keeping fee...

Meet Zinny and Johnny! They're both sweet and friendly hounds. We've been working on recalls, go to bed, and keeping feet on the floor during greetings. Both of them, and their owners, are doing a great job with training!

Bodhi and Gustave just graduated from Puppy Preschool at Pet Spas Pamper & Play Great job everyone!

Bodhi and Gustave just graduated from Puppy Preschool at Pet Spas Pamper & Play Great job everyone!

Congratulations Shaemus! He recently completed Basic Manners at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Shaemus! He recently completed Basic Manners at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Meet Molly and Misty! Molly is 12 years old and pretty chill, while Misty is 9 months old and a ball of energy. We've be...

Meet Molly and Misty! Molly is 12 years old and pretty chill, while Misty is 9 months old and a ball of energy. We've been doing some private training to work on basic manners for Misty, and Molly has been supervising. Their owners are doing a great job, and hopefully we'll be able to train Misty up to Molly's satisfaction.

Great job Tucker! He just graduated Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Great job Tucker! He just graduated Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Finnick! He and his owner recently passed the Canine Good Citizen test at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Finnick! He and his owner recently passed the Canine Good Citizen test at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

While tomorrow's festivities will be a lot of fun for people, some of our four legged companions might not be so thrille...

While tomorrow's festivities will be a lot of fun for people, some of our four legged companions might not be so thrilled. But planning ahead can make it easier for you to enjoy July 4th celebrations without extra stress.

If your dog gets scared or anxious from fireworks, here are 3 things you can do tomorrow to make the nighttime entertainment less stressful:

1. Give your dog plenty of exercise during the day. Long walks, running around the yard, swimming, hiking, fetch, playing with other dogs, or anything else that gets them moving. If they burn plenty of energy during the day, they'll be more likely to settle down later when the fireworks start.

2. Make sure your dog is inside before you expect the fireworks to start. If you get them in their comfortable spot, with a fan/noise machine/tv turned on before the loud booms even start, they're much more likely to stay calm. If your dog uses a Thundershirt or Adaptil, get that on or set up before the show starts too. Have your kong, lick mat, or chew ready to go and give it to your dog when the fireworks start, or just before if you're able to (not too early, because we don't want your dog to finish it before the fireworks are over). If you're giving your dog medication, follow your vet's instructions about when to administer it and if your dog can chew on or eat anything once it's been given.

3. Keep your dog's ID tags and collar on 24/7 today, tomorrow, and July 5th just in case. If you're caught off guard by fireworks at random times when your dog is outside, or if your dog manages to slip out the door when they get scared, wearing their collar and tags will make them easier to catch and get home.

These are simple things that can have a big impact for scared or stressed dogs. If your furry friend doesn't love fireworks, they will definitely appreciate you doing these things for them.

Congrats Nelly! She just graduated from Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congrats Nelly! She just graduated from Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Great job Chuck! He just completed Puppy Preschool at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Great job Chuck! He just completed Puppy Preschool at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Is your dog scared of fireworks? Independence Day is a week from today. That means you've got some time to plan ahead to...

Is your dog scared of fireworks? Independence Day is a week from today. That means you've got some time to plan ahead to make the day less stressful for your dog.

Here are 3 things you can do this week to help your dog stay calm during July 4th fireworks:

1. Stock up on things for your dog to chew on while fireworks are happening. If you already have toys like kongs, lick mats, or snuffle mats, take time this week to get treats/food to fill them with. If you don't have any of those toys, consider giving them a try. Or make sure you have whatever other chews you typically give your dog (bully sticks, yak chews, marrow bones, etc.) on hand. Basically, don't wait until the 4th to realize that you're out of these things and can't give your dog anything to keep them occupied during the scary noises.

2. Decide where your dog will hang out while fireworks are happening. They should be in a safe, comfortable area inside, with doors that can be securely closed. If your dog gets startled and their flight instinct kicks in, it shouldn't be easy for them to dart out an open door and take off. If your dog likes their crate, then that could be a comfortable space for them to stay in. If they prefer open areas and like to be near people, then maybe your living room is a good option. If your dog does better being away from people when they're anxious, then a bedroom could be a good choice.

3. For some dogs, masking the sound of fireworks with other noisy things can really help them stay calm. Things like fans, white noise machines, tv, music, or even household appliances can work for this. Decide what you're going to use, and make sure it'll work in whatever room your dog will be in.

A lot of dogs get anxious and stressed from fireworks. But if you get prepared ahead of time, you can help them feel better. Check back next week for more ideas!

Meet Poppy! She's a long coat Chihuahua, and about 11 months old. We've been doing some private training to work on basi...

Meet Poppy! She's a long coat Chihuahua, and about 11 months old. We've been doing some private training to work on basic manners and socialization, and she and her owner are doing a great job!

Congrats Freya! She just completed Basic Manners at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Congrats Freya! She just completed Basic Manners at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Congratulations Moose and Quinn! They just graduated Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congratulations Moose and Quinn! They just graduated Puppy Preschool at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Does your dog get stressed out from fireworks? July 4th is two weeks from today, so start planning ahead now to help you...

Does your dog get stressed out from fireworks? July 4th is two weeks from today, so start planning ahead now to help your furry friend feel better then!

Here are three things you can do this week to help your dog (and you!) be less stressed on the 4th:

1. If you haven't already, call your vet to discuss medication possibilities. A lot of pet owners are hesitant to use sedation or anti anxiety meds, but these can really help a lot of dogs. If your dog hasn't been to the vet in a while, then you might need to bring them in for an exam before getting a prescription. And it might take a few days to get the prescription filled. So call your vet asap to get the ball rolling.

2. Look into calming aids like Thundershirt or Adaptil. Thundershirt is a snug, stretchy shirt that dogs can wear to help reduce anxiety. Adaptil is a pheromone that can help dogs stay calm. Since dogs are all individuals, neither of these things are guaranteed to work for every dog. But they're worth trying if you haven't already.

3. Make sure that your phone number or other contact info is accurate and clearly visible on your dogs ID tags or collar! And make sure that your dog's collar fits well and they can't slip out of it. Even if your dog doesn't typically wear their collar all day every day, they should definitely have it on 24/7 for the days around Independence Day. July 5th is the busiest day of the year for most animal shelters in the US, because so many pets get scared and run off during fireworks. So if your dog gets startled and runs away, having your phone number clearly visible is an easy way to help them get home to you.

Fireworks can be pretty scary for animals who don't know what they are. Check back next week for more suggestions to help your dog feel better about the sky booms.

Meet Sydney! She's a 2 year old lab/boxer mix, and a very sweet girl. We did some private training to work on skills lik...

Meet Sydney! She's a 2 year old lab/boxer mix, and a very sweet girl. We did some private training to work on skills like an improved recall, reducing jumping, and better loose leash walking. Sydney was fun to work with, and she and her owners are doing a great job!

Do you want your dog to behave politely in real life situations? Then practice those situations so your dog knows what t...

Do you want your dog to behave politely in real life situations? Then practice those situations so your dog knows what to do when they pop up.

For example, if you want your dog to settle on their bed when you open the door to let guests in, then train for that situation. Without any guests around, practice having your dog settle on their bed while you walk over to the door. Then open and close the door a few times. Then speak out loud as if you were greeting someone. Praise and reward your dog if they stay put, or help them get back on the bed if they make a mistake.

By training this ahead of time, you're preparing your dog to get it right when there really is someone at the door. But if the first time you ever ask your dog to settle on their bed is when they're excited about a guest, then you can't expect your dog to do it correctly.

Great job Luke and Jasper! They recently graduated Puppy Preschool at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Great job Luke and Jasper! They recently graduated Puppy Preschool at Pet Spas Pamper & Play

Congrats to Penny and Ranger! They just graduated Basic Manners at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Congrats to Penny and Ranger! They just graduated Basic Manners at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Are you looking for a training class that goes beyond the basics? Join us for Intermediate Manners, and learn how to bui...

Are you looking for a training class that goes beyond the basics? Join us for Intermediate Manners, and learn how to build on your skills to help your dog behave in a variety of situations. We'll also work towards using less food as reinforcement during training.

• Begins Wednesday July 10th at 6:30pm
• Meets for 6 consecutive weeks
• $159
• Held at Milton Manor Pet Resort & Spa

Enroll at

*Group classes are for dogs who are comfortable around other dogs and people. This class is not intended for dogs who display fearful or reactive behavior towards other dogs or people.

Meet Elroy! His owners enrolled in private training to get some help with basic manners. We also worked on getting him m...

Meet Elroy! His owners enrolled in private training to get some help with basic manners. We also worked on getting him more comfortable with his crate and having his harness put on. Elroy is a very good boy, and his family is doing a great job with training!


Glenville, NY


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