I teach Western and English horseback riding lessons at the beginning and intermediate level, including therapeutic riding instruction. Generally, I teach small group lessons with up to 3 participants of similar skill riding together. Sometimes, a rider may get a lesson all to themselves, and other times, a rider will get to ride with other participants. There are benefits to both and instruction
will always be adapted for the rider(s). Therapeutic riding is for anybody interested in working on personal goals in tandem with riding skills, whether it be to improve confidence, communication, balance, strength, mindfulness, or to simply learn to relax, let me know and I can integrate therapeutic riding elements into your lesson. My lessons are inclusive and therapeutic riding is available at all skill levels. Supported riding is for participants who need additional help, physically or cognitively, with riding. Trained volunteers will assist the participants needing support by helping lead the horse and/or helping the participant safely ride their horse.