The horse is always first💙
Learned “whoa” means a little something to this mare this morning. It’s pretty cool to see her personality and what she knows come out little by little.
Bill and JoJo practicing some liberty this past weekend in Doswell🤠
Getting to know the new big yellow girl at the barn💛 I Wish Irish Cream
Wednesday’s first lesson with Bill tonight on respect. She was flighty and pulled a lot against the lead rope. It was hard to keep her at a lope as she kept wanting to break down into a trot. Also needs work on yielding hindquarters and a few other things. I think she will be quick to catch on to his method! Will post more at the next lesson.
Two year old Sister coming right along.
Streetcorner Special
76 Cattle Company
Sister and Bill doing a little groundwork before their ride yesterday.
Snazzy’s first ride!! Short and sweet she did great!
9/10 our colts have their first few rides with absolutely no buck/shenanigans.
Instilling good groundwork as soon as possible in a colt’s life leading up to the first rides not only makes them safer and quieter for the rider but creates a calmer minded colt who is in tune and focused.
Gunny here is one of our personal horses and has been having lessons in ground work since he was a yearling. He turned two in April and has had two rides as of today. Gunny is super athletic has an amazing personality and picks up quickly on what is asked of him. While at the same time tends to use the reactive side of his brain at times therefore having good solid groundwork as a foundation creates a better situation for the rider to bring him back in tune should he have a spooky moment.
Streetcorner Special
76 Cattle Company
Two year old Gunny and Bill during a ground work lesson Monday night.
Dapples getting in some round penning and ground work tonight.