Well at least someone's having fun in all this mess! Terrible storms, now, no electricity, and now this 😂 Sad part, I have no electricity, which means I have no water, which means I can't even wash him off before he comes back in the house 😭 Valkor, this isn't funny, young man 😫🙄
**edit** Valkor is available for adoption!!! Hello...Anyone??!!?? 😎😅🐶
Rescue is a total team effort, and I love it when it goes smoothly, which is very rare, but occasionally, it does happen!
Yesterday afternoon two young ladies, Taylor Williams and her sister, drove up in the driveway and had this poor Golden girl. They had found her on the side of the road a couple weeks ago, very thin and laden with milk. They searched for puppies but didn't find any. Their family took her in, searched for her owner with no luck, and cared for her to the best of their ability, but it had come to a point they could no longer do it. These young ladies had taken her to the no kill shelters in Victoria and had her scanned for a chip (no chip), but both were too full to accept her. They drove all the way to Goliad, but unfortunately, we didn't have room either. Their last choice would have been Victoria Animal Control, which we all know how that would have ended. I told them I would do my best to find rescue.
I contacted Golden Beginnings Golden Retriever Rescue out of Houston, and within an hour, Kate returned my call. Pictures and this video were sent, she immediately sent them to the board, and an hour later their intake coordinator, Kathy, called and said they would accept her! They turned it over to Donna, their transport coordinator, to arrange transport the next day (today). Sarah Cartwright stepped up and said she could head down from Houston.
In the meantime, I had contacted Sherryl Spinks Valderaz, to see if she could help with transport from this end! Immediately Sherryl said YES, she and Jerry James were in! So this morning they met David Williams, the dad of the young ladies, and this beautiful girl was on her way to hope and healing!
In less than 24 hours this beautiful golden girl is safely in the hands of an amazing rescue organization, that will do everything to try and determine what is wrong with her.
Tremendous thank you to all the wonderful people involved in saving this sweet girl! There were many, and it went flawlessly ❤️🐾
Pulled these 2 tiny babies from the Goliad city pound yesterday morning. Animal Control had picked them up in the middle of the road the afternoon before. They are just too young and tiny to survive in the pound, especially with the cold and wet we've been having. I bathed them and got the ten gillion fleas off them, wormed them, and gave them a good warm breakfast of puppy gruel, that's a high quality dry puppy food soaked in water until mush and then added Esbilac, a puppy milk replacer. They're eating well and sleeping comfortably in a nice warm bed ☺️🐶🐾 As soon as their hold time is up, which will be Friday afternoon 2-23-18, I need a 501c-3 Rescue for these babies! Guessing them to be maybe 4 weeks old. ~Goliad, Tx~
Koda on our morning walk on December 8, 2017 in Goliad, Tx!
YES, it snowed in South Texas 😱⛄️❄️🐶🐾
Today is a good day! Another life saved! Another life out of the busy highway ditches! Sadly his sister's life didn't end so well, but this little boy gallantly watched over his dead sister's body for days!
But today he is safe with us and I can maybe get some rest!
Today, on Thanksgiving Day, I give thanks that this little pup decided he could trust me!❤️🐾
Today was one of those full circle days! You know, Yin and Yang kind of things.
We lost poor Idaho, RIP our big beautiful boy!
But, this afternoon, Jazz saved a cat from certain death :) Charlotte contacted Jazz and told her there was a cat high up in a tree and it wouldn't come down. The cat had been there 3 days! Jazz and I went over there this afternoon to see what the deal was and found out the cat was actually stuck in the 'Y' of one of the highest branches of the tree. Poor baby was just hanging there.
I wished I would have videoed the whole scary rescue, but I was too worried about Jazz climbing on the little tiny branches that were cracking and breaking off, so I only got the very end as the cat was being lowered down! Great rescue, Jazzalynn Kish!
We are naming this beautiful female cat Krazy Jazz 😂😬🙀😻
There's a picture of her in the comments!
Miss Flower on her way to Scare On The Square, here in Goliad, Tx 😍 Isn't she the cutest Ladybug 🐞 ever! Head on down to the square and visit Ladybug Flower at our Goliad Pet Adoption booth, and get some tricks or treats while you're there 👻👽
Happy Halloween!!