Sassy, The Escape Artist
She did, indeed, fly out again immediately after this. She then ran around and stood at the door, waiting to be let in...again. 🤦
Bumblefoot Removal (WARNING: BLOOD)
Introduction to Bumblefoot
Dominique laying an egg
My husband said Dominique might be broody because she was sitting on the fake egg and being protective, so I went to check on her. Turns out she was just taking her time with her own!
First sign of eggs!
Sometimes hens lay "oops" eggs. Just an egg that didn't get enough calcium, didn't develop properly, etc. New layers are ESPECIALLY prone to this, since they aren't used to the whole thing. Our first egg (or eggs, since it looks like 2 were attached!) is a blip in the system. But it's a good sign that we will start getting more soon! The first few months of laying are always an adjustment period for both chicken and owner.
Barock is a sleepy crower
Crowing in his sleep at 2am
Chicken horchata
Today we found out that chickens love milk. Here they are with some horchata!
Putting sand in the run, finally
I didn't even break a nail!
Dominique pets
My husband: when did the Dominique get so friendly?
Me: Probably when she got jealous of the extra attention the Delawares got.
Chicken naps to pets
Fun fact: chickens sleep with one eye open.
Blueberries planted
The blueberries are planted! Fingers crossed I don't kill them.