Round Pen Training for People

Round Pen Training for People Round Pen Training for People believes in the principle that people learn in similar ways as horses. This philosophy forms the basis of what we do.


Another day of grading. I am always amazed and humbled by the work of my students as they share their hearts and fresh ideas in their journey of helping people heal from traumas, abuse, and neglect. Reading their papers is an honor of the highest sort.


I am happy to be finding my way through all of the provider insurance stuff. I will also soon be able to work with Medicare. Watch for updates! Still have a couple of wrinkles to work out but making steady progress!


I picked up a book the other day "Break The Good Girl Myth" by Majo Malfino

"When we embody her [the good girl], we play it safe, hold back our voices, and don't share our true gifts with the world" (p. 5).

This is a trauma. Just so you know. It may be with a little "t" for those who are able to shine in the roles provided for them. Those who do not necessarily shine in the roles of good girl students, teachers, nurses, and other female-dominated fields may find life boring and frustrating, and as a mountain, they are always climbing.

“If you own this story you get to write the ending. If you own this story you get to write the ending.”

Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead (p. 80). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Wishing everyone a prosperous New Year.  If someone you know needs professional counseling services, check out our websi...

Wishing everyone a prosperous New Year. If someone you know needs professional counseling services, check out our website at

Licensed Professional Counselor, Christian Counselor, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Roundpen Training For People

Wishing everyone a prosperous New Year.  If someone you know needs professional counseling services, check out our websi...

Wishing everyone a prosperous New Year. If someone you know needs professional counseling services, check out our website at


Thank you everyone who has sent love hugs and prayers. I am better today!


Fall is here. Fall reminds me that I need to stop and count my accomplishments for the year and the potential of the next year. Next month I pick up another class from a Bible school.

Our first story resin table ready for delivery to its new home.

Our first story resin table ready for delivery to its new home.


I’m thinking about what makes change in people or what makes us grow. It is the argument of nature vs nurture.

Do we believe that we “fake it til we make it”? Or do we believe that positive thinking will produce what we want?

G Crocker writes in his book “Belong” that there is a tendency to get real change wrong. Organizations like the church have worked from
Belong (p. 24)

I see a lot of wishful thinking
Acting without conviction or commitment
Never really becoming never fitting in
Never really acceptable

Instead Crocker suggests that we need a place to belong so that we can become, which changes our nature so that we behave from a genuine place from which we are convinced. We can then truly believe.

Think about this both in a positive and negative way.


Round Pen Training for People uses concepts of what works for warm-blooded critters (no evolution) to connect people to the root of who they are and how they also connect to others.

Round Pen is the fenced area we use to begin training with horses. Think about where you "feel" fences (barriers) in your life. That's the beginning place of freedom.


Back to working on the barn! Yesterday I caulked and today (maybe) I will add a finish to the walls. Maybe this weekend lights can go in. Yeehaw!


I have completed my doctorate. It is official as of April 30, 2022. So now back to the barn to ready up! Today I caulked the two rooms so I can paint tomorrow. Then the lights will be ready to install.

What type of furniture should go in the office rooms? I'm thinking like patio furniture in the waiting area...

All ideas welcome


Can you believe it is March already and the time changes next week?

Me neither! But after the snow and today's rain, things are beginning to show signs of green.

Seems like that spells hope to me. Unless you are at the north or south poles where its always cold, winter turns to spring like a breathe of warm air. March for me is like the gentle reminder that warm air is breathing across the land waking us all and inviting us to live, to dance, to rejoice, and to sing new songs. The warmth sends strength and courage. It sends wisdom and patience and rest. It is a time to grow not merely exist waiting for something to happen.

This makes me wonder if we might not have the capacity to find elements of spring everyday even if our lives seem like never ending winter?

How do you stay in spring?


I was thinking this morning about leadership. Actually, I spent much of the night sporadically waking and thinking about leadership and next steps. Each time I woke the image of my asking Rain (8 months old now girl horse) to pick up a hind foot. She lifts easy when asked. The second time I asked though she thrashed her foot around, not threatening to kick me just searching for what was right.

It felt like a threat and I scolded then rubbed the hip and leg.

Then I realized I wasn't clear enough to help her with what may have been to her a scary situation. You see, me as her leader needs to prepare her for all kinds of things she will encounter across her career as a trusted steed.

When the snow moves out I have a plan to hold softly the leg that I ask her to lift adding my body weight to her stability and balance. We will see if that is a good plan or not. You see, the plan follows the vision I have of her lifting all four feet for trims without losing her balance and with safety for her and the person standing at her head.

That might best be called "leading from the middle of the horse." A horse can catch a clear vision. What about us? Do we catch a clear vision from God?


I was watching a brand new baby calf with her momma yesterday while I did my chores. I could tell right off that the baby was a girl. She stayed particularly close to her momma, snuggled right up against the left shoulder. It was the momma that was interesting. Cows do this low single syllable moo with their babies to encourage, correct and connect. Typically it is a one-time thing maybe 2. Momma must have said the same thing 20 or 30 times in the five minutes I was watching. I pondered on the mothering aspect and thought about my relationship with God. Am I close enough to get snuggled up to His left shoulder? Does He attempt to talk to me in that simple encouraging, correcting, connecting way and I miss it so many times because I am not close enough but off doing my "thing?" BTW baby needs a name...ideas?


I am reminded about purpose.

Creating a New Year's resolution is not creating a purpose. Most everybody let's go of the resolution about what, the last week of January or so? That tells me a resolution is not connected to life purpose. Life purpose is that thing you can't not do. I'm not talking about habits, vices, or addictions. I'm talking about things like how you instinctively respond to life situations whether you take action or not. There is a heart pull, compassion, and immediate insight.

A purpose is soul-satisfying. Finding it is a work of discovery. Connecting to purpose is life-affirming.

Finding purpose is finding what it is that fulfills, satisfies, drives, empowers, and delights you and those around you, family, horses, dogs, and God. Few of us, including me, live out our purpose to its highest or deepest. Too many things get in the way. We can see the things, work takes on a life of its own demanding we do this or that. Trips to the hospital with family may mean we don't sleep that night or nights. But the main things that keep us from purpose are fear, exhaustion, and complacency.

We get tired and lose hope and think about maintaining where we are to survive. Once in survival, we are afraid to take steps towards our purpose because it means change, and change means doing new things, learning, effort (and we are exhausted), and taking risks.

Is finding purpose worth it? Only each person can answer that. Is it worth it to live outside the numbness and discouragement?

Live life on purpose!


Although this is a book about counseling supervision, I think this story applies to our American Christian lives...

A friend of mine who was working overseas in the Peace Corps decided it would be fun to teach the children of his village how to play baseball. The children were enthusiastic and eager to learn, so he rounded up some equipment; drew pictures of the playing field; explained the rules of the game; and had everyone practice throwing, catching, and hitting the ball. He even gave them a test that included questions about the number of balls and strikes allowed, how many outs per inning, the distance between bases, and famous players of the past. With the basics mastered, the class improvised a field in a nearby pasture, divided up into two teams, and prepared to play ball. As the villagers looked on, the excited children took their places on the field. My friend, the teacher, asked the children if they were ready, and all assured him that they understood what to do. The leadoff batter, a wiry young boy of 13, looked nervous but determined. My friend surveyed the field and aligned his players. Then, taking an exaggerated windup, he delivered the first baseball pitch the village had ever witnessed. To everyone’s astonishment, the batter smacked the ball into deep left field. The batter was so shocked by this that he just stood watching as the teacher shouted for him to “Run, Run, Run!” Turning to see how his team fared as fielders, my friend found that all of his players had left their positions and were running as fast as they could around the bases, tagging each one, screaming, laughing, and heading for home plate. The ball, meanwhile, rolled to a stop far out in the field with no one making any effort to chase it. When the commotion subsided, my friend was the only player left on the field. All of his team, even the batter, had raced from the field to home, thrilled with how many runs they believed they had just scored. “Somewhere,” my friend declared to himself, “we’ve got a gap between theory and practice.” With

Baird, Brian. Internship, Practicum, and Field Placement Handbook . Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition


Although I will not get the training needed for neurofeedback (lots of time and money) I am intrigued by the concept of what neurofeedback is looking for in the brain.

Check out Pesi: Developmental Trauma and The Fear-Driven Brain: Applied Neuroscience to Provide Hope and Healing in Trauma Treatment (Digital Seminar) to learn more!


I am in search of possible participants for my research study through Capella University (Dr. Fauser-mentor) doctoral Counselor Education and Supervision Program. My study needs counselors (therapists/social workers) who use an equine-assisted activity in supervision sessions. If you have at least 2 years of practice and supervision experience within an equine modality I would love for you to contact me here or at [email protected]!


4837 Beamon Hollow Road
Goodman, MO


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