I am so excited to make big changes at White Horse Farms. I've waited a long time to get high quality corrals. A special shout out to Andrew Ratliff and Clayton Ratliff for the great work their doing.
I'll be accepting BLM Burros and Mustangs starting in Feb. I also will be stepping up my Equine rehab here at home. Good things coming.
Neuro-mechanical bodywork
I can absolutely kick myself for not taking a before video, but here is the successful after!
This client came in yesterday with concerns of foot pain and inability to flex her toes. She had pain walking and no longer could wear her work boots.
After my assessment, I found that she had limited mobility between her 2nd/3rd metatarsal and the heads of her distal metatarsal had dropped down. This structural imbalance didn't allow for the tendons and muscles to properly flex her toes.
I focused on neuro-mechanical inhibition of her joint capsules and elevated the distal articular surface of her metatarsals. I followed it up with structural support kinesiotaping and TA-DA! Toes that flex! Woohoo. I'm so thankful to make a difference. Never underestimate biomechanics. We are simple levers and pulleys. All need to be aligned to work properly!
Do you have an issue that you've accepted as your "new normal"? Don't settle. Call me at 573-225-5413.
KC...Day 7 - What a good boy! A little unsure and still rushing, but today's ride was nice and quiet. He tries so hard to please. We're figuring each other out and getting relaxed with his movement. I can wait to see what he looks like in a month! I'm discovering more and more buttons on this guy and getting clearer communication to tune them in. #whitehorsebodywork #equinetherapy
Day 4...KC is nice! Overly sensitive still but sooooo eager to please. He was collected, sidepasses, yields his forequarters and hindquarters, does nice 180 pivots and has a fair stop. His trot is a hot mess with too much speed and no relaxation but it's improving. He's quiet outside of the arena. Not exactly brave, but does not Spook or buck. Lope is a hot mess too. But WOW! What a base we have that can be softened and fine tuned! #trotadifferentdirection #whitehorsebodywork #equinetherapy #equinerehabilitation
Day 2...KC long lining. I took KC out to the arena today. I was looking to find a baseline of his knowledge and skills. And man...I think he is a diamond in the rough! Super soft and responsive, respectful and eager to move forward. More bonding and desensitization is definitely needed, but there is a beautiful canvas under that fear and anxieties. I'm excited! #whitehorsebodywork #equinetherapy
Day 1...KC's introduction to Positive Reinforcement (R+)
Day 1...Meet KC. By crazy circumstances....(actually, it was a God thing) I won KC in a raffle. I meet him just before I bought a ticket, knowing that I needed to be his person to focus on restoration.
KC is a 7ish grade QH that was purchased by friend. We have no background story on him. The friend improved his body weight and began basic care on him. They began the process of showing KC that people are good. KC is a very sensitive horse that rides nicely, however on the ground he is extremely cautious and literally trembles at human touch. He has a scar on his mouth, a black tooth and is continuously wide eye and tight mouthed. Again...nothing is know of his past, but all signs point to distrust of humans.
My goal...restoration. I'll spend the winter and spring focusing on decreasing anxiety, improving structural balance, increasing his seeking behaviors and teaching him to carry himself (and me) in a balanced and controlled way.
I'll be providing him bodywork, balancing his teeth and feet, improving his body score, teaching him tasks with positive reinforcement and getting him soft under saddle. On his time...
I'm forever grateful for my friends that saw his potential, started the process and for that lucky 67 raffle number getting pulled!
Please join me as I document KC's journey. He's a cool dude that simply needs time to find his voice and to be seen and heard. He'll be available for his person next summer. #whitehorsebodywork #trotadifferentdirection
Casper and Cisco were feeling AMAZING following the 1st day at the Masterson Method Beyond Horse Massage Weekend Seminar clinic! Well done to all of the students that worked on them. Now for Day 2! #whitehorsebodywork #mastersonmethod
We can be our horse's tool to discovering pelvic dysfunctions and guiding them to help correct them. #whitehorsebodywork
Chain reaction bodywork! #whitehorsebodywork #scratchmyback