Riders of The Lost Sierra

Riders of The Lost Sierra This page is dedicated to connecting endurance and trail riders of The Lost Sierra.

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is adjusting to the time change. I had a great weekend at the AERC convention in Reno. I l...

Happy Monday! I hope everyone is adjusting to the time change. I had a great weekend at the AERC convention in Reno. I learned some new things, had fun, and picked the brains of very experienced ride managers from around the country who were so kind to share their knowledge with me.

On my way home I detoured over to the lower parts of the endurance ride route to check things out. There's still too much mud and snow in the shady parts to be able to ride or drive out there, but I went for a nice long hike. It did my soul good to be out there for a few hours in nature and never saw another person. I had only planned to go a short distance, but I ended up walking a whole loop I've been planning to use this year 😆 I'll share more pictures in the next post. This shot is taken from the area we couldn't use last year because of the fires. That's last year's ride route over there. I like that view of Haskell Peak and Haskell Ravine.


Woohoo! Some good stuff. It was a stunning sunrise this morning, unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. This weekend i...

Woohoo! Some good stuff. It was a stunning sunrise this morning, unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. This weekend is the AERC Convention in Reno, I hope to see some of you there. Next weekend we officially kick off the endurance ride season with the first ride of the year for the west region, Rides of March. Our neighbors over the border in Nevada put on some wonderful endurance rides. Here's some pictures from last year's ride which takes place in the high desert north of Reno. This area and other desert locations nearby are where we ride in the snowy season.

Don't forget, the first day of Spring is only 16 days away! Break out the camping gear, get your tack ready, and get those ponies in shape for a great riding and camping season. I hope to see you on the trail soon.


Happy Monday morning! All this warmer weather has me chomping at the bit for some good springtime riding. I've been ridi...

Happy Monday morning! All this warmer weather has me chomping at the bit for some good springtime riding. I've been riding in the desert a little bit lately, which is great, but I'm anxious to I get back into my beloved forests.

Here's a throwback from a nice springtime ride with friends a few years ago. This is an area near the location of our endurance ride. This is on the opposite side of the highway from where the route went last year. In fact in the background of this shot you can see Haskell Peak. I had approval to use this route last year, but the lightning fires that started right next to this location shut this area down. As soon as the snow melts and the mud dries up, I will be out there exploring again to see if any of this area can be used as an alternate route. Have a good week everybody.


So what's all the buzz about "The Bizz"? Today's featured trail in the Lost Sierra, is at the north east end of the regi...

So what's all the buzz about "The Bizz"?

Today's featured trail in the Lost Sierra, is at the north east end of the region. The Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail is a uniqie and beautiful rails to trails route for non-motorized users only. The trail is the old Fernley and Lassen branch of the Southern Pacific Railroad. It was built in 1914. When you travel this trail it's not hard to let your imagination take you back in time to when this would have been an active train track.

The trail spans 25.4 miles from Susanville to Mason Station (near Westwood). The first 16 miles on the lower Susanville end, goes through the stunning Susan River Canyon. There's a total of 12 bridges and 2 tunnels, making this a unique and sometimes challenging trail for equestrians. You also have the option to bypass the tunnels, but the bridges cannot be avoided for the most part. There are a few places where you can get horses into the river if you want, and one mandatory river crossing if you do the loop at the Devil's Corral trailhead.

The Bizz ties into miles and miles of dirt roads, and there is a trail on the opposite side of the river from the main trail for those who are extra adventurous and don't mind riding on a sketchy goat trail on a the very steep slopes of the canyon. That narrow bike trail is definitely only recommended for very experienced trail horses and riders. There is a way to make a nice loop out of dirt roads once you reach Devil's Corral.

There are 3 trailheads where you can park trailers, actually 4 if you count the one in Susanville at the old railroad station. Most riders start at Hobo Camp just outside of town, or at Devil's Corral off Hwy 36. You can also start at the Mason Station TH near Westwood on the upper end of the trail.

If you're getting ready for Tevis or any other "technical" rides, this is a great training trail because of all the obstacles and varied terrain (if you venture off the main trail onto some of the other roads and trails). It's also wonderful for exposing green horses to lots of things. And of course, it's also just a really nice trail to relax and enjoy the scenery. The fall colors in the Susan River canyon absolutely can't be beat. It's also very pretty in the springtime.

So that's all the good stuff about the trail, now onto the not-so-good.

Depending on when you go, there can be LOTS of other trail users. This is a very popular bike trail. Most of the bicyclists are very respectful and careful, but as with anything, there's always some bad apples. Naturally there are also hikers and dogs, but the fast moving bikes are typically the biggest challenge.

The footing on the actual Bizz is not the greatest for long distances at speed. It's pretty hard packed and has small gravel for most of the route.

It can be boring 😆 Yes, the route is gorgeous, but because it's an old railroad track it has no hills, everything is a very gradual change. Which is nice, but when you get to some of the very long straightaway parts (mainly on the upper end going towards Westwood) it can be kind of boring and tedious. But, endurance riders are used to covering a lot of ground, and they know that not every mile is going to be amazing or fun. It's all pretty, just make sure you have a friend to talk to, or you move out a little quicker so it doesn't drag on too much.

If you're from out of the area and you want to come explore The Bizz, or any of the other neat areas in Lassen County, let me know. There's lots of high desert and forest riding to be had on the BLM land and Lassen National Forest. There are also options for horse camping.

Happy trails. Let's get planning for some fun riding adventures this year.

Edit: Be sure to check out Angela's fun videos in the comments to give you an even better idea of what the area has to offer. Sidenote, you don't have to take the narrow trails 😂 If anyone else has pictures of Bizz or the surrounding area, please share.

January was very dry in the Sierras, but February is trying to make up for it. Here's some pictures that I took over the...

January was very dry in the Sierras, but February is trying to make up for it. Here's some pictures that I took over the last few weeks from places all over in the Lost Sierra region.

TLSER = Endurance ride area

Testing! Is anyone still out there? Social media has been so weird lately. Please give a like or comment to let me know ...

Testing! Is anyone still out there? Social media has been so weird lately. Please give a like or comment to let me know you guys are still with us. And as a little teaser for our followers....shhh! Watch out! I've been dreaming and scheming again.....


Take a virtual tour of the amazing White Sulphur Springs Ranch. Our Ride Camp for the Lost Sierra Endurance Ride is in the valley on land that was once part of this historic ranch and stagecoach stop. Enjoy the history and gorgeous views.

Happy Thursday! Is it the weekend yet? This unseasonably warm and dry weather has been nice, but we do need more snow. T...

Happy Thursday! Is it the weekend yet? This unseasonably warm and dry weather has been nice, but we do need more snow. There's a chance of some this weekend so we'll see. At least the lack of snow made it easier for exploring parts of the new area I hope to use for this year's endurance ride. Here's a few shots of how things are looking in the lower sections of the ride route. Pictures taken almost 2 weeks ago, probably even more snow melted since then.

Hey there Plumas and Sierra County friends. I'm heading to the Coffee House in Quincy at noon today to meet up with the ...

Hey there Plumas and Sierra County friends. I'm heading to the Coffee House in Quincy at noon today to meet up with the Plumas Sierra Equine folks. Come say hi if you want to talk horses and trails. I'll also have calendars. Sorry for the short notice.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! All that good stuff. Our gift to you is a beautiful view. As promised, ...

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year! All that good stuff. Our gift to you is a beautiful view. As promised, this was the best I was waiting to show you from the hopeful new ride route that I explored a few weeks ago. Fingers crossed the Forest Service let's us use it for the endurance ride. But even if they won't allow it on the permit, I will be happy to take people for trail rides to this cool spot. The Lost Sierra Ride Team thanks you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy this different view of the Sierra Buttes from what most people ever see.

Well, we made it to the Winter Solstice. Time for longer days and to really get dreaming about warmer weather and fun ad...

Well, we made it to the Winter Solstice. Time for longer days and to really get dreaming about warmer weather and fun adventures. I'm getting my calendar set with all the endurance rides and other horse camping trips I'd like to do in the coming year. How about you? Are you making your fun plans yet?

Speaking of calendars, I didn't sell any this week so I won't be doing another drawing tonight. I know everyone is busy with the holidays, I'll get back to the calendars and raffle later. Thanks again everyone who helped us out by purchasing a calendar or tumbler, I hope you enjoy them.

These pictures were taken from the only group ride I was able to put on this past summer. 2 wonderful ladies and their good horses joined me. I hope this next year it works out better to do some group campouts and rides. This ride was to Smith Lake and most of the way up to Mt Elwell.

Throwback ThursdayIn this fast paced digital world we live in,  with instant gratification. It's nice to embrace the old...

Throwback Thursday

In this fast paced digital world we live in, with instant gratification. It's nice to embrace the old school slow way of life once in a while. It was a rare treat to get a little note in the mail the other day from a longtime friend with these old pictures. You know, like actual physical photos you can hold, not just look at on your phone.

This picture was taken around 20 years ago on a ride with a couple good friends to the top of the Sierra Buttes. Yes, you can indeed ride all the way to the bottom of the scary stairs that lead to the lookout on the tippy top of that incredible peak. It's certainly not an easy ride or hike, but so worth the challenge and the views, if you don't mind very steep rocky trails with a few drop offs here and there.

I guess I missed the national day of the horse last week. Oh well, any day is a good day to talk about our best equine companions. The horse in this old picture is my heart horse Ty. That was his nickname, short for his stable name Tioga, the name given to him by the interns at Feather River College. His registered name with AQHA was FRC Doc's Nu Rose (Doc Bar lines obviously). He was the first horse I ever trained from the ground up. I started working with him when he was a weanling and I was a teenager just starting to take classes in the Equine Studies Program at Feather River College. Ty really shaped who I would become as a student of the horse. He was far from perfect, he threw me more than once. He was a real handful at times, but that little horse was so fun. He was the go anywhere do anything type. He would go all day and never quit. I have yet to own another horse that had the great work ethic that Ty had.

This was long before my endurance riding days. Back then I thought you had to ride crazy Arabians to do endurance. I now own 2 half Arabs and 1 full Arab 🤣 Knowing what I know now, Ty actually would have done just fine in endurance. He was a true mountain goat. He easily carried me over the roughest terrain, rarely stumbling or getting tired. He was bred, born, and raised in the Lost Sierra, so he was no stranger to some pretty tough trails. Back then I worked as a wrangler at Gold Lake Stables. Ty was my main mount and we were out there on those gorgeous and rugged trails in the Lakes Basin Area all day long usually 6 days a week, all summer and early fall. Sometimes I really miss my "office", but, alas, I needed insurance and retirement so I could continue being a crazy horse person into my later years in life, so I had to give up my dream job.

This old picture reminds me to cherish the good stuff in life, and always show love to our special ones, because you never know when your last ride will be. I had my last ride on Ty to Smith Lake a few years after this was taken. That's another one of my favorite lakes in the area, and not too far from where this photo was taken. I knew that day something was wrong with my good friend, but I never would have imagined that would be our last ride. So never take for granted the good horses, dogs, and people in your life. The dog in the front was my amazing pal Chase. Besides being my best friend, she was also a search and rescue dog.

Let's see your special horses, dogs, or people in your special places.


We're getting lots of Sierra cement here in the mountains lately. These pictures were taken today from the farthest side...

We're getting lots of Sierra cement here in the mountains lately. These pictures were taken today from the farthest side of the Sierras on the east. The morning was wet and wild but then got better. I took a little drive up the mountain after running errands to check on the snow situation. How's things where you are?

I got most of the calendars and tumblers shipped today. Man! I tip my hat to people who sell stuff and ship it out. That's a lot of work. Anyway, thanks again to those who ordered things, you should be getting them in a few days.

And....you also haven't heard the last of me advertising calendars yet, sorry. I still have some left and I would sure love to get them in good homes before the new year. So I'm extending the offer for this week. Get one for 20 + 5 for shipping, or get 2 for 30 and I'll pay the shipping. I'll do another drawing for a hat or a t shirt on Sunday the 22nd. If I get 10 more people this week to buy a calendar or two, I'll also offer up another rig spot and ride entry discount. Those who were already in the drawing will be put back in for another shot...IF I can get 10 more people to buy calendars this week.

There will be no more drawings for rig spots after this. AERC rules say that you can't have a lottery system for ride entries. So other than the ride entry certificate I plan to donate at the AERC Convention in March. This absolutely will be the last time I raffle off a ride spot. So if you want me to do another drawing, buy a calendar or get your friends to. Remember, there will only be 50 rig spots available at the 2025 Lost Sierra Endurance Ride.

These pictures are just for fun, they have nothing to do with the calendars. See previous and upcoming posts for calendar images. Thank you.

Congratulations Cindy Otte Korkeila for winning the drawing for a rig spot and discounted entry fee to the 2025 Lost Sie...

Congratulations Cindy Otte Korkeila for winning the drawing for a rig spot and discounted entry fee to the 2025 Lost Sierra Endurance Ride September 13th and 14th! You'll also be getting a hat or a t shirt of your choosing. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me out by buying some of the extra calendars and tumblers. I still have some left for 20 a piece. Happy Holidays!

Just one more hour til I do the drawing for a rig spot at the 2025 Lost Sierra Endurance Ride. Please check the list bel...

Just one more hour til I do the drawing for a rig spot at the 2025 Lost Sierra Endurance Ride. Please check the list below in the comments. If you thought you already paid for a calendar and/or tumbler to get in the drawing for a campsite and a hat or t shirt, please let me know ASAP if you don't see your name. I will attempt to do the drawing live at 7, but I'm technologically challenged and FB hasn't been cooperating the best lately, so no guarantees. Thanks again to all who have helped out by purchasing these cool products.

Photo from Ride Camp this year

Last day to get in on the drawing for a rig spot (limited to 50) and a discount on registration for the 2025 endurance r...

Last day to get in on the drawing for a rig spot (limited to 50) and a discount on registration for the 2025 endurance ride. Oh, and your choice of a hat or t shirt. You have until 5 PM today to order a neat calendar or tumbler and be entered in the drawing which will take place at 7 PM tonight December 15th.
They're 20 each or 2 for 30, plus shipping, and come with a free sticker. PM me or email for more details. Thank you. [email protected]

Good morning! Thank you everyone who has bought a calendar or a tumbler so far. I still have some left so get yours befo...

Good morning! Thank you everyone who has bought a calendar or a tumbler so far. I still have some left so get yours before they're gone. These calendars are not specific to the endurance ride, they feature 12 beautiful photos of different parts of the Lost Sierra. So they're great for anyone, not just endurance riders. Though we do hope they'll be a reminder to all our endurance riders to get registered when it's time for that.

I don't want to be spamming with the same info, so please see precious posts or PM me or email me for more details. I'll put some pictures of the calendar and tumbler in the comments in case you missed it. And don't forget, if you buy one before this coming Sunday evening you'll be in the drawing for a rig spot and discount to next year's endurance ride, plus some cool swag.

I can't thank you all enough for all the support. We couldn't be doing this without so many of you cheering us on and helping us out. This is a picture I snapped of Britteny early this summer as we were out working on my original planned ride route. Unfortunately we ended up having to scrap this loop with these incredible views. But Britteny was able to get some nice pictures that day, and one of those gorgeous photos of the Sierra Buttes from this location is featured in the calendar. Thanks again Britteny Donney Photography for all you did for us this year.

PS, if you ever want to come ride near this location and take in these amazing views, let me know. When the snow melts in the summertime I'll be happy to show you around.



The Lost Sierra
Graeagle, CA



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