Looking for a pet sitter? Use code SARAHR53704 to get $20 off your first booking with me on Rover: https://www.rover.com/sit/sarahr53704 https://www.rover.com/sit/sarahr53704
Check out my rover profile to see all my five star reviews!
I also own Pampered Pet Palace By Sarah LLC and have a business page on facebook. I’m experienced and have great reviews on Rover AND my business page and am highly recommended by clients! I offer free consultations and meet and greets before scheduling and adding you to my client roster! Contact me, save my number, and let’s set something up! Even if your need isn’t right away we can still do a consult and meet and great so you’ll already have a skilled professional available when that time or need comes!
Are you planning a get away or vacation and have cats, fish , Iguanas, or other small animals that will still need care? You might have just found a skilled and experienced caretaker that can meet all your pet care needs! I can do daily drop ins to care for and provide enrichment and affection for your pets! Right now I’m running a $5 off promo for all new clients making your daily drop in only $20!
I also offer dog walking services all over the city of Grand Rapids and some of the surrounding areas. I’m offering $5 off for all new clients making a 30min dog walk only $20! Do you work long hours and want your dog to have a chance to get out for an extra potty break and walk to burn some energy with some added and extra affection and play during the day? Hit me up! Not a fan of going out in this brisk cold with icey sidewalks? Let me know! I can bundle up, take your place, and take your dog out for the extra exercise and stimulation they need! I am skilled and experienced and taking on new clients. I serve the city of Grand Rapids and surrounding areas! You may have just found a skilled, experienced, dedicated, and available professional to meet all your dog walking needs.
I also offer dog sitting in your home pretty much all day, morning to night. Depending on how many hours you need your dog sit, we can talk and work out a fair price! This is great for dogs with seperation anxiety or that are used to always having someone around or with them, and don’t do well at home alone. If you have a long day scheduled, night out, or planned event coming up, contact me to set something up! Your dog will be pampered with lots of play, affection, and get all the potty breaks, feeding/watering they need!
I’m also running a promotional $5 off doggy drop ins. Making them only $20 each. This is where I come take your dog out, walk them or let them out if you have a fenced in back yard for their potty breaks. I refresh food and water bowls, then I spend the rest of the time on petting, snuggling, ear and neck scratches, belly rubs and on playtime and enrichment. Does your dog spend too much time in the crate or alone when you have long days or go out of town? Let me know! I can do drop ins on your furbaby or dog sit and help solve that problem for you!
I also offer and have clients that choose, “boarding in your own home,” with two-three drop ins a day. This is where I come out morning, afternoon and evening to take your dog out for a walk and potty breaks. I refresh and refill food and water bowls, then soend the rest of the time smothering your dog with affection, playtime and enrichment! This is a great option if you’re going out of town or on vacation and would rather your dog stay in the comfort of your own home rather than boarding them in a busy facility. This is a great option for dogs that don’t do well with other dogs and would be stressed in a boarding facility.
I also offer overnight stays and dog sitting in your home. If you’re going away or have a vacation planned, and would prefer someone stay with your dog all day and night, and sleep over, I can do that too! Right now I am offering a promotional price of $60 per night to stay in your own home. This is a great option for dogs that prefer to be around people and don’t like being home alone. Also a great option for dogs that might get stressed or not really enjoy the other dogs in busy big boarding/day care business. Again, I’d provide potty breaks, walks, refreshing food and water bowls. And of course lots of attention, all the snuggles, enrichment, and companionship they need. This is great if you’re going out or going away and dont want to crate your dog or leave them home alone!
If your puppy enjoys the company of other dogs and would do well with a doggy companion or friend, I can bring along my very well behaved, advanced trained and socialized three year old boxer named Smokey! His favorite thing ever is enjoying other dog friends! I can bring him along for dog sitting, in your home day care, or for overnights if you might prefer. It’s still ok if you prefer your dog be the only dog, I can leave him home and still insure he’s cared for at home as well.
Do you have plans or a vacation coming up? Hit me up! I can board in your home with drop ins or stay in your home! Do you work long hours or plan on being gone from home for longer than normal for an event or late night out? I can do drop ins or dig sit. Hit me up! Would you like your dog to have the experience of a doggy daycare while staying in your own home, hit me up! I can do doggy daycare in your home between the hours of 6am and 8pm. I can even bring along a playmate or friend if desired! My daycare rates are only $35 a day!
Check out my business page Pampered Pet Palace By Sarah! Save my phone number 616-953-9472 so you don’t forget and can book asap when the time comes for future pet care needs!
I am a reliable, trustworthy, dedicated, and experienced pet care professional! I would love to set up a free consultation and meet and greet as soon as possible! That way it’ll be fast, easy , and already ready to go and book your next outing, vacation, event or get away! My schedule isnt to busy so I can start with scheduling dog walking, drop in care, dog sitting, doggy daycare, and overnight stays, pretty much right away!
Call or DM me to set up a free consultation and meet and greet right away! I’m available immediately and also available and booking out in advance for future dates as well. I’d love to meet you and your fur love(s) and get you started! I’ve never had a single problem or complaint! I have all and ONLY 5 STAR REVIEWS! Im obsessed with dogs! I absolutely adore my clients, am passionate about and love what I do!!
Save my phone number 616-953-9472 and give my business page a like and follow for updates and easy booking, and feel free to check out my 5 star reviews!
Find 5 star dog sitters on Rover.com. Book dog sitting or dog boarding online! 24/7 customer support, peace of mind protection. Better than a dog kennel.