Construction update at CHFA! 🐾
Mini mic interview
Asking our vet staff: If you had to name your kid after something in vet me, what would it be? 👶🏼🐾 Take a listen to their creative (and crazy!) ideas in this reel!
Phase 2 of remodel
We’re thrilled to announce that Phase Two of our hospital remodel kicks off tomorrow! This phase focuses on the front of the hospital, with exciting updates to our cat lobby.
Dr. Clayton Siegle will be keeping everyone updated on what’s happening and what you can expect. Stay tuned for more details on how this will enhance your experience with us!
Thank you for your patience and support during this exciting transformation!
Sneak peak
Transformation in progress at Cascade Hospital for Animals! Dr. Clayton Siegle offers a sneak peek into our renovation project. Watch as we lay the groundwork for new surgery suites, a state-of-the-art CT scanner area, and upgrades throughout the hospital. Get a first look at how we're shaping the future of veterinary care.
Interactive & Engaging Dog Toys
Enrichment toys offer a number of benefits for dogs, including: 🐾Mental stimulation 🐾Physical exercise 🐾Reduced boredum🐾Reduced anxiety and stress 🐾Improved learning and training Come shop our lobby today!
To avoid forgetting your dog in the car, attach its leash to the driver-side door handle, making it a seamless part of your departure routine.
We work at an animal hospital, of course we love veterinary humor.