With a group of people we are collecting supplies for the hurricane victims, human and animal. We are desperately in need of donations (please see list below). If you can find it in your heart to donate I am accepting donations at my house up until 8pm on Friday night and then from 8-12 at South Suburban Humane Society on Saturday. The semi is leaving Sunday morning to head down there. We are working with the Brother Wolf Animal Rescue as a donation spot to get to all the victims. If you’d like to make a monetary donation you can either Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, or Apple Pay me. Please share this post with everyone you can think of because we want to pack this semi. Below are the pictures of the animal rescue site.
Donations needed:
Dog crates, leashes, collars, cat carriers
Dog food, cat food, food bowls, litter
Blankets, towels
Bottled water (they have no water use for at least 2 months)
Canned goods for human consumption
Peanut Butter
Ravioli, Spahhettios
Gallons of water
Formula, diapers
Paper plates, plastic cups, plastic utensils
Bleach, detergent, gloves
Paper towels, toilet paper
Venmo: Jamie-Jamnik
PayPal: [email protected]
Apple Pay or Zelle: 708-927-1065
If we receive monetary donations they will go towards fuel and any additional funds will be used to purchase additional goods from this list.