Texas Pet Detectives Association

Texas Pet Detectives Association Search and Rescue for Missing Pets
Having a missing pet is one of the most devastating and daunting experiences we can imagine.

People in the midst of this crisis are physically exhausted and emotionally drained, which can leave them open to scams and mistakes. We provide professional and compassionate search management, giving our clients the best chance of recovering their lost pet. Lost Pet Specialist uses trained search dogs to find lost cats in Texas and neighboring states. Our clients also learn to use the best techn

iques for their unique scenario. We can even provide search strategies by phone or Skype so that no one needs to face this situation alone, no matter their budget or location. If you are missing a dog, we can still help, but we no longer track them with search dogs. We found that tracking dogs rarely results in bringing them home alive. The simplest explanation is that dogs run and cats hide. By the time we are called out, most dogs are miles away or they have been picked up by a someone. For people with lost dogs, we offer in-depth phone consultations to get your search on the right track.

If you ever find yourself in need of an Urgent Care Veterinarian, I can highly recommend Mid Cities. I had to help a fri...

If you ever find yourself in need of an Urgent Care Veterinarian, I can highly recommend Mid Cities. I had to help a friend her cat recently. Not only were they compassionate and kind from start to finish, they charged less than half of what other vets I had called that day would charge. It was Labor Day and they only charged $100 total. We were there for at least an hour, saying goodbye to my friend's cat. They are not open 24 hours but they are open on weekends and later hours than regular vets.

We are open on Thanksgiving Day! $60 Exam Fee everyday, even on Thanksgiving! No added emergency fee. The feel of a family vet, urgent care hours, and expertise of the ER..but without the ER pricing! If your pet needs veterinary care, call us or come directly to our hospital.

***UPDATE**** I have added the answer to Tuesday's lost cat mystery at the BOTTOM of this post so as not to spoil it for...

***UPDATE**** I have added the answer to Tuesday's lost cat mystery at the BOTTOM of this post so as not to spoil it for anyone who is reading about Greta for the first time! NEW PHOTOS (including one of Greta in her silver bowl and her actual hiding place are in the comments below)

Another cat finding mystery... Brought to you by Texas Pet Detectives and Lost Pet Specialist: WHERE'S GRETA??

Here's the story: The search dogs and I have been on a month-long training/vacation trip in the mountains of Arizona. But that hasn't stopped cats from going missing in the DFW area. So I've been trying to help them get home... From a distance by coaching cat parents by phone and video chat.
Meet Greta, a Norwegian Forest Cat who has a full time job sitting in a sterling silver bowl on the counter of her mom Susan's jewelry store, greeting customers and being a generally cool cat. Susan and Greta carpool daily to the store. Susan was at the wheel in early August, making the turn shown on the map, marked by a purple dashed line, to go south in I-75 toward their farm in Kaufman. As shs is entering the interstate, she hears the back window (passenger side) start to roll down. She quickly hits the button to roll it back up and continues on her drive. When she arrives in Kaufman, she realizes that Greta is no longer in the car. Dread floods her body as she realizes that Greta exited the vehicle in one of the busiest commercial areas in Dallas... The Knox/Henderson business district. Naturally she drives back immediately to begin her search but is quickly overwhelmed by the daunting task of finding a five pound cat in the massive concrete jungle. More than one of our stalwart followers recommended me and my search dogs, but we were two states away in Arizona. Regular page followers will notice the distinct lack of normal hiding places in this scenarios: no sheds, no garages, no decks... Or any other of the places where we commonly find scared and displaced cats hiding. Care to put on your pet detective hats and take a guess where Susan found Greta hiding after she consulted with me on the 2nd day after Greta made her escape from the car? Go ahead and post your ideas in the comments. I'll post the answer on Thursday.
(The red dot was our best guess as to where the car was when Greta jumped or fell.)

****UPDATE**** Honestly, my heart sunk when I saw the scenario where Greta escaped from Susan's car. One of my worst nightmares, as a pet detective, is the problem with cats hiding in the engine compartments of vehicles...or even the bumpers or other places on the chassis of the vehicle. They will stay there, frozen, even when the car drives away. But I remember the first day of pet detective training where I received an excellent piece of advice: Look for the cat in the first available hiding place. If she's not there, look in the next closest...and so on. Cats, unlike dogs, don't tend to run very far when they are in danger. They much prefer to hide. And they are VERY GOOD at it. Like one of our "Greta guessers," I first thought she would dive into a storm drain at the curb because that would be the closest hiding place, but Susan told me there weren't any storm drains at that location. The next hiding place I saw was the skinny row of bushes dividing the sidewalk from the parking lot. My deepest fear was that she had bypassed the bushes, looking for something solid to hide under, and ended up in an engine compartment because the lot was packed with cars that day. And none of those cars would be there now.
But Greta parked herself in those bushes and didn't move for 2 days!
By popular demand, I asked Susan for some additional photos of Greta at "work" and I posted those in the comments section.
Thanks for playing "Where's Greta"!!


We were thrilled to get the call about about Sassy because she lives right down the street from us! She been missing about 4 days but there had been a sighting just the evening before about four houses away so it seemed like a slam dunk. Unfortunately, as luck would have it, the one neighbor who would not give us permission to search, was exactly the one neighbor where Tango gave a full alert at the point where the kitty squeezed under the fence. We tried from every other angle but had no luck. Since Tango had also given a full alert at a driveway culvert nearby, I figured sassy had been using that culvert as shelter from predators while she worked up her nerve to go home. So Sassy's family came to my house and borrowed a trap and set it inside the culvert where sassy was trapped within an hour. Sassy has a big happy family and they all pitched in to get her home.


Tango found Louie in less than a minute!
There was a lot going on in Louie's busy household today....Carpet layers, painters, house cleaners.
The most probable time for Louie to have escaped was when the carpet installer left the door open for a minute and 45 seconds according to the video doorbell. However, since the video doorbell didn't catch him leaving, I assumed that Louie was still in the house. Tango got Louie's scent off the back of the sofa where Louie normally hangs out and went to work immediately checking the kitchen cupboards. When she found the six-month-old kitty's scent under the dishwasher, her behavior and body language was unmistakable and I knew that Louis had to be hiding under there somehow. Once we removed a couple of screws from the kick plate of the dishwasher we saw Louis hiding in the far back corner. Good job Tango!

Lost cat near Montfort and Spring Valley Rd in north Dallas. Solid black. Please share!

Lost cat near Montfort and Spring Valley Rd in north Dallas. Solid black. Please share!

Answer to yesterday's Lost Cat Quiz! See my post from  Feb 23 if you want to guess before seeing the answer. Piper's las...

Answer to yesterday's Lost Cat Quiz! See my post from Feb 23 if you want to guess before seeing the answer.
Piper's last known trajectory was taking her directly out into large pastures. Yes, there were some structures or sheds that she might have chosen but she would have needed to cross a lot of open area before she got there. In that open space is where cats run into predators on the ground and coming from the air above so most cats will avoid that if possible. So what would she do instead?
If you follow this page you might remember a case from a couple of months ago where an indoor only cat was last seen dashing across her own front yard, having escaped from an open window. His dad had chased him across three front yards and he was heading directly toward a busy street. Assuming that the cat would continue on its current trajectory, Dad decided to go back for his shoes in preparation for a longer trek. Of course, when he returned, the cat was nowhere to be seen and he could only assume that it had crossed the busy street and was now in a whole different neighborhood.
I started thinking about that case while I was trying to help Piper's mom and I suggested that the first place she look would be under any hiding space that Piper might have passed as she was running toward the pasture. Cats have an uncanny ability to catalog hiding spots on a special map in their brain for possible use later. My Hope and my assumption was that Piper would either double back or make a quick left back into the wooded area around her house. Her mom had told me about a couple of sheds but she also knew that Piper ran right by them toward the pasture. But when she looked under them carefully with a better flashlight, she saw Piper hiding deep underneath one of them. The rest was a matter of trapping and waiting patiently for Piper to make her move into the Trap. Happy ending!

Where is Piper? I did a phone consultation on Friday with a woman in Maryland whose cat had been missing for 6 days. She...

Where is Piper? I did a phone consultation on Friday with a woman in Maryland whose cat had been missing for 6 days. She had learned about me through a dear friend and longtime supporter of this page, Valerie Mann, who thought I might be able to help. I felt a little extra pressure to get it right for Valerie's sake.
Piper's mom Kat was dealing with a Veterinary emergency with one of her horses, when Piper accidentally slipped out the door at 9:00 p.m. The pink line shows Piper's trajectory when her mom Kat last saw Piper rounding offense post in this pasture and heading in the direction of the Pink Arrow. It's probably a good thing that Mom needed to run back to get her flashlight at that point, or it would have been a lot harder to predict what kitty was going to do. But since I recently had a case like this, I suspected I knew what happened and shared that with Piper's mom and a quick phone call before I had to run into a noon meeting. By the time I got out of the meeting, Kat had located Piper. Where do you think she found her?


Very high level dog training!! Wow. And very cute as well...

Welcome home, Charlie!! Can you look at the map view and guess where he was? The red bubble is where he lives with his m...

Welcome home, Charlie!! Can you look at the map view and guess where he was? The red bubble is where he lives with his mom Eileen and some other pet friends. Post your reply in the comments (you can screenshot the map and edit it to show your guess.)
Charlie's mom Eileen reached out to me on Friday when Charlie had been missing less than 48 hrs after Charlie (an indoor cat) had accidentally ended up in the backyard. Apparently, he followed the dogs out for their late evening potty. When Eileen woke up during the night and realized what happened, she dashed outside to look for Charlie. He was right there on the patio and in his rush to get back into the house, he bashed into the glass door. Having ID'd the door as a Nasty Devil from Anti-Cat Land, he did the obvious maneuver and jumped the fence. Without shoes or glasses or possibly even pajamas (it sounded like nudity might have been involved), Eileen couldn't exactly run after him. By the time she gathered the necessities for pursuit, Charlie had vanished into thin air. Imagine how many times I've heard the phrase in my 18 years as a pet detective "vanished into...", but I digress.
Even though I had a bit of a backlog of cases, Eileen was willing to plunk down the deposit for a search in Houston. But Eileen didn't sit around waiting for me to get there two days hence. Since I couldn't get there right away, I also gave her lots of coaching in hopes that she would get him home quicker. With all of my tips and tricks deployed (in the pouring rain no less) Eileen got Charlie home and I got fired from yet another search for talking too much. That's twice in the last week!
So...where was Waldo? I mean Charlie of course.

First, let me say that this page is strictly for reuniting people with their lost pets. Rehoming of animals is definitel...

First, let me say that this page is strictly for reuniting people with their lost pets. Rehoming of animals is definitely against the rules and such posts will be deleted. So, if I were to post a picture of an adorable tortoiseshell kitten that my hairdresser found but cannot keep (5 months old...not yet spayed) it would absolutely not be for the purpose of trying to find her a new home. I would certainly not suggest that interested persons should DM or text me 314.369.2784 to be put in touch with the hairdresser because that would be violating the rules, which I myself made. I simply wanted to show you how cute she is. That's it. Seriously.

We helped Sara find her cat Paul recently. Based on Paul's trajectory when they last saw him tearing across their lawn i...

We helped Sara find her cat Paul recently. Based on Paul's trajectory when they last saw him tearing across their lawn in hot pursuit of a little critter, the family feared that he he had crossed a very busy road that would prevent him from making his way home. But Paul had actually made a U-turn when "dad" turned his back to grab his shoes. Tango helped us sort it out and brought us to a garage where we found a lovely bit of evidence: two kitty poops and a puddle of p*e. Totally fixated on that evidence...we missed the cat himself for several long minutes! It's difficult to search garages: tiptoeing through the homeowners' precious stuff while they are breathing down your neck and wishing you would just go away is awkward at best, horribly uncomfortable or even dangerous at worst. Honestly, I was about to give up on it despite the evidence we'd seen but Tango went back for one more sniff and tiny little Paul made a break for it, skittering under some more precious stuff. We quickly asked the homeowner to shut the garage door to trap Paul inside. It's very rare for a cat to go potty while they are in hiding. I think it's only happened maybe 3 or 4 times in hundreds of recoveries but the evidence is an excellent clue. I believe that Paul was in that garage the entire four days he was gone. Of course the homeowners had no idea. Knowing how they hide makes it super aggravating when neighbors won't let us search a garage because they "already looked and there's no cat in there." They have no idea how stealth a cat can be. I don't even want to know how many cats we've missed because people were sure the cat wasn't there.

Here's what Paul's mom Sara had to say in her review. Yes, I'm blushing.

Bonnie Hale is our family’s hero. After 4 days of desperately searching for our 2-year-old cat Paul, we felt totally helpless. A couple of people on Next Door recommended Bonnie, and while I was a little skeptical at first, one chat with her and I knew our odds of finding Paul were about to improve significantly.

Bonnie is incredibly knowledgeable and her instructions were so thorough, I finally felt like I was back in control of the situation. I was blown away by how well Bonnie understands cat behavior, and was shocked to learn that many of the things we were doing to bring him home were not helpful at all!

Bonnie’s brilliant search dog Tango picked up Paul’s scent right away and traced Paul’s path through our neighbors’ yards. It was amazing to watch. About an hour later we found little Paul in our neighbor’s garage, hiding behind a bunch of stuff, just steps from our home. Bonnie was confident he hadn’t strayed too far away, but we still couldn’t believe how close he was the whole time!

Our entire family is forever grateful to Bonnie for bringing Paul back to us. Worth every penny.


Finding Pumpkin!

Home in time for Christmas! Maeve and her mom Reese

Home in time for Christmas! Maeve and her mom Reese

Sorry for the horrible photography! This is Walter, a cat we were able to help in Dallas recently. Walter is a very shy ...

Sorry for the horrible photography! This is Walter, a cat we were able to help in Dallas recently. Walter is a very shy boy so after we got him home I just took his picture through the kitchen window rather than cause him anymore upset. He was hiding in the small space between two neighbors fences. He had been gone for 6 days and was very hungry!

Please share and  keep an eye out for Camry, an indoor-only cat who went missing from The Colony about 2 weeks ago. We d...

Please share and keep an eye out for Camry, an indoor-only cat who went missing from The Colony about 2 weeks ago. We didn't find her on the search and I'm concerned that she got transported accidentally in an engine compartment of a vehicle, so she could be anywhere. She's not wearing a collar but she is chipped. Please call or text her person Danny if you have any info on Camry. 9126563012

Marco Polo's big adventure comes to a happy conclusion after 15 days! Kelli asked us to search for this handsome Siamese...

Marco Polo's big adventure comes to a happy conclusion after 15 days! Kelli asked us to search for this handsome Siamese boy on Monday when he had already been missing for 8 days. Marco is a 100% indoor kitty, so I thought we had a decent chance of finding him. Unfortunately the neighbors were not super cooperative so we didn't get to check everything I'd hoped for, but Tango did give a very strong alert multiple times at the storm drain behind Kelli's house. Storm drains are always tricky because the cat is never sitting right at the bottom of the opening; rather, they go back into one of the tubes that carry the water away. I didn't take a picture of the actual drain but I found a stock photo that looks similar to the type in her alley. This type is just as easy for a cat to jump into as any normal storm drain in the gutter, but it would be a lot harder to jump out of. The heavy metal grate also made it hard to see anything down there. You can see the relationship between Kelli's house, the storm drain in the alley, and the creek where the storm drains carry the wastewater in her neighborhood. I was very worried that Marco might pop out into that Creek area which is a known predator habitat. Of course we were all so very concerned about the amount of water that has gone into the storm drains with all the rain this week . But somehow he stayed safe for six more days and finally made an appearance in a neighbor's backyard at 2:00 a.m. this morning. I'm not a good sleeper, and I've had a bad cough for a week, but one advantage of insomnia is getting to celebrate these crazy reunions in the middle of the night! Welcome home Marco Polo! You've done all you're exploring semicolon now stay home please!
***Edit: I also need to give a big shout out to Kelli's neighbor for being alert enough at 2 am to notice that something unusual was happening in her backyard, AND to do something about it which was actually helpful! If all neighbors were like her, I'd probably be out of a job. Also, the neighbor says her fence is down and that there's a storm drain right behind her house. It makes perfect sense that Marco just walked underground from one storm drain to another.


This just popped up on my FB memories from 11 years ago! A pup in Austin who was spooked by fireworks. We tracked him to an electrified goat pen that was guarded by 3 Great Pyranees dogs who were guarding the goats. The owner of the goats and the Great Pyrenees dogs informed us that the missing dog would have been torn to shreds by the guard dogs, but when we finally got the owner to let us go in to the pen, we found the missing pup lounging in the shade, completely accepted by the guard dogs as just another member of their pack. I will never forget this case. Michelle Hurst who has been a big supporter of my work was with us on this search. She has moved away but I still think of her with great fondness. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=4165810272022&substory_index=10228522214908843&id=1487104593&mibextid=DcJ9fc


Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

Susan Linville, Aslan Feline

After 7 long days and nights, Sugar is home with her mom Madi! Tango and I searched for Sugar just a couple of days afte...

After 7 long days and nights, Sugar is home with her mom Madi! Tango and I searched for Sugar just a couple of days after the British short hair accidentally slipped out the door. Sugar's collar (and the little lavender kitty bandana she had been wearing) was found in Madi's nextdoor neighbor's backyard. I was worried at first that finding the collar might mean she was attacked by the neighbors dog, but upon closer inspection I could see that they had become caught on the chain link fence that sugar squeezed under. Tango alerted on the fence, the collar, and the shed that was right there and I fully expected to find Sugar under that shed. But she was no longer there. Tango did find a little scent trail and some fur that led us into the next backyard which was an abandoned house. The house had a pier and beam foundation with only one opening that gave access to the crawl space under the whole house. You can see the opening behind the possum in the Trap. Most crawl spaces have multiple vent openings that the dogs can sniff to detect a cat underneath the house, but they were all blocked on this house, so Tango wasn't able to get enough scent to confirm that Sugar was under the house. But I'm pretty sure that's where she was the whole time. After catching nothing but possums for a few days, Madi quit using the trap and focused on posters and keeping plenty of her own scent material around her own property in hopes of attracting Sugar home. Finally on day 7, Sugar appeared on the front porch, skinny and dehydrated, with an unexplained injury to her from paw. Welcome home Sugar!

Wow! A 40 lb cat!

Wow! A 40 lb cat!

Kay Ford, who adopted the oversized feline last week from a shelter in Richmond, plans to lose 20 pounds alongside her cat

Can you help Pedro's family climb the mountain of bills they incurred when Pedro returned home after being missing for 6...

Can you help Pedro's family climb the mountain of bills they incurred when Pedro returned home after being missing for 6 weeks? Tango, Idabel, and I drove to The Woodlands in early February 2023 but that was just the beginning of high expenses that were to follow. As usual, we searched the entire neighborhood, checking backyards and garages and all the usual hiding places, but the only alert we got from the dogs was a storm drain about eight houses away from the Lopez home. Storm drains present one of the most frustrating scenarios we face when trying to recover a lost cat: if you remove the manhole cover and try to go down into the storm drain to look for the cat, you are at very high risk for scaring the cat farther down the drainage pipes even before you can get all the way in to see what's happening. Calling the city to come with their big noisy truck and big workers and flashing lights is an even worse idea. So I usually recommend trying to quietly lure the cat back to the storm drain where the dog alerts. This usually works, but Pedro never appeared at the bottom of that storm drain where Tango alerted. So Pedro's family kept up the search with neon posters and talking to neighbors Etc. 6 weeks later, when they were just about out of hope, a neighbor who lived near that storm drain reported that Pedro was in his backyard. Fortunately Pedro was wearing a collar with an ID tag, even though he is a strictly indoor cat. The neighbor called the family and they quickly retrieved Pedro with great relief and joy. Their happiness was short-lived however when Pedro refused to start eating. He had lost over half his body weight and I'm guessing that his organs were starting to shut down. It's very normal for cats not to eat for days or even a couple of weeks when they are in hiding, but Pedro was well beyond that time frame. After all attempts to get him to eat failed, the choices were down to a feeding tube or euthanasia. Pedro's family chose to give him all the medical support they could, including surgical implantation of a feeding tube. It was touch and go for a couple of weeks, but Pedro finally turned the corner and started eating on his own. His family is glad they made the decision to help him get through this but now they are facing a mountain of bills for his past and ongoing care. Lost Pet Specialist donated back part of our search fee and we hope that you will consider making a small donation through this GoFundMe page to help Pedro's family get through this.

Here's the video I mentioned a few days ago, where we appeared on CW33 TV

Here's the video I mentioned a few days ago, where we appeared on CW33 TV

Lost and found pets in Dallas are no match for the Pet Detective

CW33 TV interviewed us last week as we showed how the process works for using search dogs Idabel and Tango to find a los...

CW33 TV interviewed us last week as we showed how the process works for using search dogs Idabel and Tango to find a lost cat. It airs on Monday April 3 at 9am. Set your DVR! Wait...do they even have those anymore?? Never mind--I'll post a link to their website when it shows up.


Grapevine, TX


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Our Story

Search and Rescue for Missing Pets Having a missing pet is one of the most devastating and daunting experiences we can imagine. People in the midst of this crisis are physically exhausted and emotionally drained, which can leave them open to scams and mistakes. We provide professional and compassionate search management, giving our clients the best chance of recovering their lost pet. Lost Pet Specialist uses trained search dogs to find lost dogs and cats in Texas and neighboring states. Our clients also learn to use the best techniques for their unique scenario. We can even provide search strategies by phone or Skype so that no one needs to face this situation alone, no matter their budget or location.