Just a little fun video showing Desi running around….I’d call it more like hopping! So cute!! 🥰
(Please ignore my lawn 🤣 my lawnmower was broken and I had to mow a field once my lawn mower was fixed )
Do you believe in signs from your rainbow bridge pet?
I do. As you all know I have struggled with the loss of my Lucy, though I have lost many loved pets over the years, they all lived a long happy life, Lucy was robbed of that time and had left this earth at the early age of 3. I am able to share my feelings through social media bc it’s different than in person, I can make a post, even crying and no one would know it. But in person talking about her is still very difficult bc I do not like to cry in front of people, not even my husband. So due to this, holding in emotions, I hit a point where I need to blow, but I need privacy.
So I took off to camp last night to have my time, as I had today off.
I had a butterfly visit me while sitting on the porch today. This butterfly stayed on me for well over an hour. I didn’t have my phone next to me, I wanted to take a picture and was hesitant to move, but I did get up to get my phone, the butterfly stayed on my hand the entire time. I was able to get pics and a video. Even after the butterfly flew off it wasn’t far, and stayed there for a while before finally flying off.
Do I think that was a visit from Lucy? Yes I do. I don’t have butterflies landing on me on a frequent basis, actually never other than one other time. I choose to believe it was her. I needed her and she came through the best way she could. ❤️
Pretty sure this is one of the most precious things I’ve seen! For some reason I have a soft spot for not only dogs but sloths! There is just something so neat about them 🥰
I thought about wether I would share this or not. But for me, the more I share about my Lu the more it keeps her memory alive, and for me that is important, and so many of you know me & knew of Lu.
This special tribute video was made for me, I received it this morning. It says it all……our love. ❤️
Miss you Lu Magoo ❤️
How adorable is Otto??!! He does this every time he comes in for a visit! So cute!! 🥰
Since I shared Copper’s story the other day, here’s a cute video of him seeing chickens for the first time! My dogs as you can tell in the video would like to eat my chickens, so they can’t free roam like I would like them to be able to do. Please do ignore the fact I haven’t mowed my lawn in a while! Lol
Copper is doing great! Going in for a recheck on Monday. I’ve so enjoyed this little guy, will be hard to say goodbye when he goes with his mom for good, but I know he is so loved by her and he loves her, the transition will be simple for him. ❤️🥰
And look at Lucy in the background! She is now using her leg! It’s not perfect but she can use it and she isn’t in pain. So I have decided not to move forward with trying another ACL surgery, don’t want to put her through anymore surgeries. So happy she is now happy! 🥰
Made a ball pit for my dogs! Bonnie loves it!! 😂