I'm an artist working with oil sticks, a lifelong fiber artist, a jewelry and eyeglass designer, a photographer, and a writer for the New York Times and other newspapers and magazines. See below for more about that! Why Did I Become An Animal Communicator? I am asked often how this has happened. How a normal looking, normal acting person begins hearing from animals. Here is my answer. These things
are curious. My life started in a most ordinary pattern. Growing up in Connecticut, father a jeweler, mother an artist and golfer an older sister who is a writer and me. No dogs, no cats, no animals. And then it happened. I had a near death experience. At age 21. A week after my own daughter was born. We nearly killed each other when she came in – I had a blood clot, drifting in and out of consciousness and she had a raging kidney infection with 105 degree temperature at age 1 week. So off to the hospital she went and into bed I went for over a month. When it was over, she lived and I had a near deather that changed me forever. Just a few words on that. I admit to being a big fan of death. A cheerleader in fact. A public relations person. Death, in our culture, has a very bad name. In my experience it is at once joyful, thrilling, an adventure, a great view, and the source of wonderful music for the one crossing over. For the ones left behind, it is obviously a different story. But for those on the journey, it is light, love beyond description, a lightness and a place from which you do not want to leave. That said, obviously I heard the words “it’s not your time” and I got shot back into my body but kept with me always the feeling of love and light. Over a period of years, I started to get psychic. It was nothing I asked for. Aside from dowsing and map dowsing, I started to sense danger and especially car accidents. I started getting “information” on people’s physical bodies. Where they were hurt or ill. Never any information on what they could do about it. Just what the problem was. Within a few years, that turned into my seeing the person as a system and what the physical problems were and what to do about it. Guides started coming in that I could identify. And specific cures were recommended. The next surprise was mediumship. A medium is a link between the worlds. That means that once a person crosses over (dies) they no longer exist on the physical plane. No news there. But to hear from the energy of that spirit – well now, that’s news. They would come in when called and show me things about their life on this side. What their personality was like here. What they liked and where they lived, etc. And leave messages for loved ones here. I knew nothing. I never knew whether any of this was accurate or not, until I read it to the person who had asked for the reading. I was as shocked as anyone else that these energies were coming through me. I felt no bad effects. It didn’t make me tired. It didn’t drain me. But I did have to meditate to allow the spirit in. I think it’s because you can’t transmit and receive at the same time and I was into the receiving end. I am still a medium, this still is part of who I am. – even though a new energetic transmission comes in – it doesn’t erase the ones before it. It just becomes a giant pyramid, laying bricks on bricks. And on the basis of this mediumship I was asked the following:
It began like other Tuesdays in October in Massachusetts. A little rain, a little wind and a little phone call. It was my friend Betsy who asked me to ask her cat Sammy – could she get a dog? I protested saying that I don’t read animals – I don’t have any animals, I don’t know any animals, and truthfully, they scare the hell out of me. They are actually my one enduring lifelong recurrent nightmare. Anyway – she breezed past my objections and said oh- sure , I know, I know, but ask him anyway. So that night when I slipped into the bathtub (I’m a cancer) I asked Sammy the cat (telepathic-ly) could Betsy get a dog and before I got the word “dog” out- Sammy a turned around and SCREAMED at my with his little triangle mouth: “Don’t even THINK about it”. I started to laugh. And thought that was the end of the reading. But Sammy woke me up during the night and said “maybe another cat would be alright.” The amazing thing is that Sammy then proceed to “cross over” 3 days later. He hadn’t been sick. I think he felt that if they were no longer devoted to him – then it was time to move on and go. And so he did. I have spent my life thinking about all this. Two more parts of this mystery are:
1. As I alluded to before I have always dreamed in animals. Everything and everyone was an animal. And all these animals were menacing. Scary. All could and would turn on me in an instant. House cats could try and claw my face off and dogs were always chasing me down ready to rip my throat out. So animals were a terror for me.
2. I never had an animal. I never owned one or took care of one . I am highly allergic to cats and here I am working with them on the inner plane doing healing work. Mostly for the pet owners who remain on this side and miss their pets desperately. But I also read live animals for behavioral and idiosyncratic problems. I have not sorted out any of the above mystery. But maybe someday it will be given to me. Why an entity so feared and dreaded has become my guide- I really can’t say now. In the meantime, I have put together a blog entitled:
“Animals Speak to Me” because the folks who find out what I do always want to know- if they speak to you – what do they say? So I am presenting some readings I’ve done to help clients with either the animals’ crossing or what the animal needs on this side. Thanks for reading this. Please leave any comments you’d like. I ‘d love to hear from you.