Check out the new ROCKER leash and it’s many functions! Have you found a new use for your rocker leash? Post a video and tag us in it! #greatwesterngear #mountaingames #rockerleash #gopromountaingames #vail #colorado #doggear #dogleash
The Excitment is real here at the Colorado Kennel Club, Inc. Dog show. Come check us out we will be here all weekend at the National Western Complex in Denver.
Hello everyone!! Here is a quick demonstration video showing some neat features of what all our leash does! Please take a look and if you have any questions please feel free to contact us on here or at 719-663-6909. We will have a booth at both the Colorado Kennel Club, Inc. Dog show in Denver, February 16-19 and the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo in Denver February 23- 26.