****UPDATE 1.9.25**** She is still out there. We have not given up on her. If you live in the Severance Shores neighborhood- can you please review camera footage from the last week. We had a couple possible sightings- but by the time we got out there we did not see any dogs. If you live in this area and see a silver truck with red tailgate- that is us and we are only looking for the pup! And if you back up to the park/overflow drainage area and would allow us to hang a camera - please message me! 970-388-7255
****UPDATE***** If you live in the area between CR 25 and CR 23 and CR 72 and CR 76 and have a security camera- can you please review footage from the week? We have had a couple sightings in this area- we are needing to narrow it down.
If you are out between Severance and Eaton, Ault or Greeley, between highways 392 and 14 and CR25 all the way to Hwy 85 please be on the lookout for out for this pup. She is the one missing from Mountain State K9 Academy, and we are needing sightings.
She is running from everyone, and everything so if you see her please message me on here or call the number on the flier. Please DO NOT CALL OUT TO HER, DO NOT STOP, DO NOT FOLLOW. Just note the time of day, area and what she was doing (walking, running, ect)