#puppiesofinstagram #belgianmalinois #bordercollie #workingdogs #herdingdog #puppylove #puppy #homesweethome #willowcreekmushrooms
Little update on the farm side of Willow Creek!
#passionate #dowhatyoulove #farming #livestock #citykidsturnedintofarmer #blessed
Pupdate - the puppies are almost 7 weeks old. We have been working hard at socializing them and continuing to desensitize them loud noises, fast movements, ect. They are eating hard food. They are pretty much puppy pad trained, and they all know how to sit.
We have 2 males still looking for their forever homes. Orange collar, my personal favorite, Tumkins. He is a bold and forward pup. Nothing phases him. Red collar, my daughters favorite, Ranger. He is a goofy floppy go with the flow kind of dude. He loves belly rubs more than anything.
#puppies #belgianmalinois #bordercollie #workingdogs #puppylove #intelligence #blessed
#belgianmalinois #bordercollie #smart #energetic #farmdog #puppies #home #valentinesday #love #willowcreekmushrooms
Greeley Farmers' Market
#mushrooms #willowcreekmushrooms #farmfresh #fromourfarmtoyourtable #healthyfoodhappybody #youarewhatyoueat #mushroommedicine #functionalmushrooms #northerncolorado #mushroomfarmer
Oh my ❤️... Cinder is an excellent mom. Loving all the whimpers and army crawling. If you need me, you can find me here loving on puppies.
#belgianmalinois #bordercollie #farmdogs #puppy #malincollies #myheartishappy #blessed #cutenessoverload #willowcreekmushrooms
Her pregnancy came and went in the blink of an eye. Cinder gave birth to 7 very healthy puppies.
#belgianmalinois #farmdogs #farmlife #bordercollie #malincollies #puppy #cutenessoverload #blessed #willowcreekmushrooms
We went with a colorful flock this year. Our chicken farmer in the making is very happy 😁 with his new flock. 🐣
Find us at the local farmers markets this spring for eggs 🍳 and of course all of your mushroom 🍄 needs.
Well it's been confirmed via ultrasound. Cinder is pregnant. Every life born on the farm is a blessing. We look forward to loving on puppies for a couple months before they go to their forever homes.
#puppies #dogpregnancy #shehasmorningsickness #roughlife #newlife #cherish #blessed #Godisgood #willowcreekmushrooms
#mushrooms #mushroomfarming #foraging #medicinalmushroom #Godscreation #naturesmedicine #willowcreekmushrooms