Watching a movie with the family, but Journey is determined to get Kashs attention to play 🥰
Torvi X Maui babies born 8/26
Americas Most wanted turn 7 weeks old tomorrow!
Vet check is the 17th and going 🏡 10/21
There are still some baby boys on the hunt for their best friend 💙💙
Dillinger and Bugsy playing with the kiddos after dinner tonight. Both boys got ears up in the last couple days!
Already 4.5 weeks old. Both boys so stinken sweet and are obt🐾inable
Our old man Jax got to come to Mollys visit with her new family today.
Quick potty break for Molly. She loves the grass so much 🥰
She is 👀🏡
Molly playing with her Daddy, Maui.
He is so good with her 🥰
She is availabull
Miss Mavis 🐾🐾
She wanted off the couch. I let her down, and she changed her mind.
She is looking for her furever