We have another locally bred, male, Yellow Body Blue Bar Ambilobe Panther Chameleon in shop!
Hand raised with a super chill demeanor, but getting used to all the extra movement and attention in the shop.
His full set-up with lights, plants, and misting system available for a great combination price with his purchase! Add on today's special ⬇️ and WOW 💥 what a deal!!
Game day special, 10% off all livestock!
🧀🧀🧀 GO PACK GO!!! 🧀🧀🧀
For having no sense of humor whatsoever, Flower Shrimp sure are funny
This is a great example of what a typical tank houses at Advanced.
When I say "typical", our tanks are full of rare, uncommon, and unusual selections.
This tank is an old metal framed PemCo 10gal measuring 16"×14"×10".
Here we have Three Striped Dwarf Cichlids: Apistogramma trifasciata, Gold Laser Cory's: Corydoras sp. CW010, Morse Code Tetra's: Hemigrammus sp. "Morse Code", Blue Borneo Sucker's: Gastromyzon sp. "New Blue", and our very own in-house developed, Giant Blonde Ramshorn's: Marisa cornuarietis "Blonde", that we line bred from an individual that popped out of a clutch a couple years back. If you do not breed this snail, it grows to a truly huge size, but breed it once, and they top out around the size of a 50 cent piece.
A little video tax to start the day. Have you ever seen such an uncommon assortment of fish in one tank??
Happy Labor Day!! Thank you to our hard working employees, and to all of you that work, or have worked, to keep the societal wheels grinding away!
All our staff has the day off, but me and the lady are here to serve Noon to 5ish. If you come on in, at a moment of a rush, please have patience as we run to help everyone.
LAST DAY of 20% off Oasè, Fluval, wood, and rock!
And as a little bonus for coming on in today, 15% off of all livestock!
Hand feeding the Ommatotriton nesterovi, Anatolian Banded Newt, efts.
These things turn into absolutely amazing animals as adults in breeding condition, but they're so dern cute at this age!
The most wood you'll get out of a twelve second video.
Ten seconds of Cenepa Super Red's.
If you think they look good now, wait until they get through quarantine and settle in!
Just a little taste of Peruvian perfection that came in last night!
Customer Jr's 55 gallon rimless cube. Tough fighting all the reflection going on, to get a little video, but it's a beautiful placement above the center room fireplace.
A bit of an odd bunch in this tank with two huge Discus, an older, slightly stunted, blind in one eye EB Jack Dempsey named Willy, Congo Spotted Puffer, LF 24K Bristlenose, Zebra Loaches, and a school of Hyphessobrycon piorskii. Not what we'd typically recommend being housed together, but they've done swimmingly for over a year now. The Discus were half that size and the puff was just a peanut when the tank was started.
Goes to show, with proper care and good diet, rules can be bent and work out well in the long run sometimes.
To think that Pothos was just a 10" sprig that long ago! His goal is to wrap it around the sunroom as many times as he can!
In honor of the Sam and Marcel's articles, previously posted(You should read them if you haven't, 'cause they're outstanding!), I thought a video was in order!
These are Gastromyzon lepidogaster, the Borneo Giant Green Sucker. Me and this fish have a serious love/hate relationship that goes back to their very first import on American soil. Sadly, it went horrible, and none survived. Poof went that pile of money! The second import only went one huge solo female better(who Marcel ended up with). Poof went another large pile of ching.
You'd think I'd learn my lesson, but nope! Had to fail miserably one more time before things finally began to hit!
Boy did it hit though! Barely a loss out of hundreds of animals with some absolutely monster individuals almost 4" in length, glowing neon green! Sad thing was, now they were starting to move into the hobby through several sources and the price dropped pretty significantly. Recovering and rebounding on the expenditures just wasn't going to happen with this one in any fast matter, if ever unfortunately. So it goes sometimes, being the first in the race doesn't equate to any type of victory.
This is what it often takes to introduce something new to the American hobby. Trial and error, and dogged determination to not fail(much to my pocketbook and woman's dismay!!). I wouldn't trade what I do these days for nothing though. Beats the hell out of destroying my body for a couple decades doing concrete construction!
Hopefully the thriving colonies in capable breeders hands, such as Marcel and Sam's, begin to set the stage for long term hobby sustainability. It has to begin somewhere, and its pretty cool this one began here, even if we weren't able to get large groups here alive to start with. These fish are fun, beautiful, and different. What everyone wants in their aquarium!
Walking through the shop you might look down at what seems like an empty newt tank and think there's nothing in it, but a little Ebo artemia grade #1
Unmatched natural decor diversity.
Some things we'd consider fair to brag about.
Like the 13 types of wild Rainbowfish currently in stock! We've yet to see anything close to that availability in the US. And if you're attempting a Papuan "biotope", we have five other fish species and three snail species from the western half of the island in stock too!
It's too bad all species of crawdaddies are prohibited in Wisconsin, or we'd have an absolutely amazing spread of the all tropical, impossible to become invasive, insanely vibrant Papuan crayfish as well.
Here's a real beauty from a tributary of the Sepik River, Melanotaenia fasinensis "Sedropoyo".
Strong quality genetics with excellent body shape, eating processed foods and not spoiled, have never been power fed hormone color foods.
Blue Diamond
Red Turquoise
LOCALLY BRED and raised in our harder water.
On special for $50ea.
They are the biggest, fattest, healthiest Cardinals around. Wild caught and free from deformities and diseases.
We hope everyone had a safe and fun Independence Day!!
We spent ours on this desolate, agate harboring, haven of a beach!
I have a mountain of messages I'm working through, and I'll get to everyone soon. Shipments will resume Monday.
Little video tax before the big holiday break.
A first since taking over Advanced, we will be CLOSED THREE DAYS STRAIGHT!! Tuesday, Wednesday, and then Thursday for the 4th.
Reminder that today is our last day of 20% off fish, wood, rock, and plants!
I might not be able to get a Happy 4th post up, as service will be limited at the ends of the Earth, so if not, HAPPY 4TH TO ALL!!
May we all be safe and enjoy the time with those you love! Our spins on this crust go faster than we expect!!
The glare! The glass! The writing!
You still get the point.
Hypselecara (Cichlasoma all my life!) temporalis, the Chocolate Cichlid, was one of the first big S.A.'s to breed for me. Hard to beat the subtle beauty and bloody eyes.
Nice to walk by a tank and see this puppy pair with their first ever spread. Good looking young couple!
This pair has been active the last few weeks
It's unfortunate facebag wouldn't let the two videos on the same post....kinda spoiled the thought.
Anywho... white worms, blackworm, vinegar eels, microworms, red worms, and night crawlers round out the feeder worms we currently have available.