my sweet & perfect angel baby had her “debut” in standard at the Fun Match !! her RDW isn’t done/fully trained, so we started at the end of the DW to set for success. her first aframe + teeter somewhere new/other than my equipment… and wow !!!! I am SO HAPPY with her teeter and it is truly an attest to the consistency in my training + criteria 👏🌟
Astra had a blast, she loved to watch other dogs before we ran, tugged her toy ringside, happy + 110% engaged in the ring, tugged in the ring, showed great skills and had a fab time !!!! she loves everything about agility trials & gets the biggest high after her runs 🩷 we have so much fun together & I love my little flea soooo much 🥰🥰
a look into some of the PYRWILD dogs & the dogs closely behind their pedigrees🐑🩵
a little bobble gave us 2nd place but another great Open STD run for Midna 🥳🎉
Midna Q/1st Open STD @ Sheboygan Dog Training Club’s Novice/Open only trial 🥇 bless Midna’s heart for getting that RDW exit to then turn again on that tight line to the double 🥲🥲🫣🤐 1 more clean run until she never has to do the table again 😝🥳 also…. when is the next ISC trial ???? 🤣
A3 - SO close and elim because I verbally praised my dog for getting a Really Hard part & she pulled off 😝 I didn’t see it happen but heard everyone gasp and didn’t feel the need to “save the Q” - she had a smoking run and that matters most (to me) anyways 😁 I was REALLY worried about the potential off course jump out of the tunnel before the weaves, I was able to get more ahead than I expected but then pushed her too much from the entry. you CAN see her RDW here and it was soo nice 🥰🔥 the last threadle flip out of the tunnel before the last jump was my biggest worry on the course - but she got it !!! I just need to be quiet LOL overall, another fun ISC trial and I am grateful we got to play some 💗 go Midna !!!! ❤️🔥
A2 Q/1st 🎉🎊🌟 this was such a fun course (OK they ALL are were !!!) Midna had a SPECTACULAR RDW that you sadly can’t see on the video 🥲 she hit it at speed, leaving zero question for the judge, including front/back low jackpot hits 🥳 then OF COURSE she nailed her RDW to weave entry - she is so good at those 😝 Midna is such a fab teammate, so talented, always gives it her all and LOVES it !!!! these might be “local ISC” trials - but lots of big names travel from different states to come. Midna often places if she goes clear so it is cool when it continues to hold true around some really great teams 🤩🔥 it shows me that we are doing something right & have something special going - even with an “off breed” 😜💗
J3 - strong start & REALLY strong finish… pretty disjointed in the middle 😝 totally my fault for the NQ by going too deep AND not giving info properly as she came flying out the tunnel. she never pops weaves - but also got some much needed body work done after so I am sure that played into it. I really wanted to win the tryouts bye (J3 + A3 combined winner) - as we haven’t trialed enough to qualify so far and our clear rounds from ISCh didn’t count towards scores - but we can’t always be perfect 😝 regardless of results, it’s always SO much fun being out there with my Midna moo ❤️🔥 (also interesting side note: almost no one I saw handles these starts the way I do & I think Midna is extremely efficient and without any question about 1-3 with “my starts” 🤔🤭)
Midna’s first run of the day J2 - really fast & fun but this course definitely wasn’t a “given” and we had a slight bobble that caused an NQ when she back jumped. really really happy with it overall 🌟❤️
Astra’s “debut” + this was her First Time in the ring doing agility ANYWHERE other than our hall !!!! she walked in to the ring 110% engaged with me & tugging. my goal for entering her for experience was initially just a solid chin rest + tugging - but she showed me she was ready for so much more !! so I was brave and let her off leash 😝 she had never seen a wall jump before and I didn’t expect her to take it - I stopped to reward but she was ready to keep on going 👏 she walked into the trial today, almost like she ~knew~ it was ~finally~ Her Turn with a certain happy, buzzy energy. & after her run, she was SO overfilled with joy… and me too ! 🥹 I will be living on this cloud nine over how amazing she was today - there’s just something so special about this little flea and our bond 🥰✨
yeah Be (PYRWILD Brave Estara) !!! 🔥🔥🔥 new PB in fastcat of 26.84 MPH for this little, 12 month old girlie 😱🐾💨💨 she also earned her BCAT title, is #1 ranked Pyrshep in Fastcat for the year & on her way to being the fastest female in the Lifetime rankings 🏆📈✨ this little star is even developing a fan base of people are excited to see her 😝 thank you & congratulations to her owner 💗
Rd 4 !! Midna ate 💩 on the landing of the first jump, got a mouth full of dirt which threw me off just enough mentally that i didn’t connect for the weaves enough 🤠despite the bobbles and faults, Midna still landed in 29th place - not terrible ! lots of really excellent parts, she got some really challenging parts, nailed all her contacts AND her threadles, yeah Midna !!!! 🔥🔥🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
hello from ISCh day 2 !! Astra loves watching all the jilities 🤩