Meet the Kittens of Cat Room 11! So many colors and personalities, take home two with our two for one adoption special. TALGV is open 10-2 daily.
Looking for a serious relationship? Committed adopters wanted for adorable puppy companions. Applications accepted starting 12/4 for this group. Spay/neuter, shots and microchip included in the adoption fee.
Shamus (1 yr) and Orange (10 m) have recently become kennel mates. Both are young and playful. Someone has provided DNA testing information and the results are interesting! Come in and meet them between 10 and 2.
Andy is looking for an active home. 3 yrs 9 months old and 86 pounds. He loves to be with people, will fetch a ball for hours, and is crate trained. This lucky boy comes with vet support for life from TALGV. You can meet Andy between 10 and 2 any day except major holidays.
Sammy wants to be your loyal companion. He is indoor pee-pad trained. Come in and meet him today! Even if there are other people on the list who are interested in him, get your name on the list. Not everyone is the right match. You might be the one! TALGV is open from 10-2 daily.
Don't overlook the shy, scared dogs. Peter Pan is a sweet 1 year old, 14 pound Chihuahua mix. He will really blossom with love and patience. Come in and see him today!
Milkshake is a beautiful 4 yr old girl who was found as a stray. She loves people and other dogs, we don't know about cats. Her hobbies include long walks with her people, meeting new friends, and learning new tricks. Come and meet this fun pup today!
From Lilipoo and Iris's foster/adopter: Many thanks to all of the dedicated TALGV volunteers and support people who took the time to work with these two terrified pups. Iris will occasionally let me pet her while we watch TV. It may have helped that I had a bowl of treats on my lap. Lilipoo is relentless with the nose-bumps for treats which she learned at TALGV. We still have a long way to go but every baby step helps.
Our small dogs, located in the "den", get adopted quickly and often have a wait-list for people who want to meet them. If you are interested in adopting a small dog, please come in and request to be added to the list for that dog. New dogs come in often, sometimes daily.
Today Kooper and Shamrock show us the correct way to play "rough and rowdy". Need a playmate for your dog? Come in and meet Kooper and Shamrock. Adopt one or adopt both!
Daisy Mae and Angel recently lost their mom. Although they are sad, they have been very brave. They have been meeting new people and going on adventures with the volunteers at TALGV. As a bonded pair, they are looking for the right person or persons who can welcome these two 11 year old sweeties into their home. Call the office between 10 and 2 for more info or come in and meet them today.
Sampson is a 3 yr old, 63 lb. easy-going dude. He would love to cuddle on the couch and watch movies with you.