Spooky season club nights are my favorite! A chill in the air, darkness to play in, fall colors,…
#ck9trackingclub #searchandrescuedog #searchandrescuek9 #germanshepherd #dutchshepherd #belgianmalinois #dogtraining #trackingk9 #trackingdog #knoxville #knoxrocks #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #maryville #maryvilletn #maryvilletennessee #docoolsh*twithyourdog
Ember and Elaine’s first time coming out to tracking club, and first tracks! She’s a funny looking shepherd, I know…and is a super fun recent addition to both bite and tracking club!
#trackingdog #ck9trackingclub #presacanario #mantracking #shortnosescantracktoo #dogtraining #knoxville #knoxvilletennessee #knoxvilletn #maryville #maryvilletennessee #maryvilletn
Tracking Club 8.20.24
Some fun from club tonight! Chris Williams Summer Northcutt Becky Caughron
Patriot Exercise 2024 🇺🇸
Highlights from a couple weeks ago hanging with a ton of rad people from Air Force National Guard Security Forces, in addition to other military, law enforcement and civilian units learning to conduct cohesive emergency response operations.
Bite Club Tilt o Whirl with @winnie_the_dutchie
📸 @summer___faith
Bites at Night, in the Park after Dark 🐾
#dohoodratsh*twithyourdog #protectiondog #belgianmalinois #dutchshepherd #dogtraining #bitedog #funwithfriends #knoxville #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #maryville #maryvilletn #maryvilletennessee #lovebites
Chris Williams Summer Northcutt
Loooonnggg recalls thanks to a solid climb command. Need help with living with your dog? Drop an email to [email protected]!
#dogtraining #obediencematters #germanshepherd #blackgermanshepherd #goodboy #knoxville #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #maryville #maryvilletn #maryvilletennessee #hederpybutagoodboy
Sophie started here two weeks ago with SERIOUS leash reactivity…at 4 months old. Without any real life experience it’s clear this is genetics based. I’ve never had so much drama and had it last so long, as she would immediately hunker in and fight with ANY amount of leash guidance or pressure. The general idea behind the leash is to be able to lead the dog through inputting (ideally minimal or no) pressure, however it would send Sophie into hardcore Wrestlemania mode. Training is all about teaching the dog to yield to pressure in order to eventually be able to avoid it, thus shaping behaviors…and for the first week and a half of having her she held to her stubbornness, not even walking 2-3 feet without a major meltdown.
We’ve since turned a corner 🥳
Two Mals, a Doberman, a couple Dutchies and a German Shepherd walk into a field…
Fun with Furry Friends! With three birthdays this week between Ranger, Dolly and Koa, we had to party!🎉
#bitedog #personalprotectiondog #furrybff #malinois #belgianmalinois #doberman #dobermanpinscher #germanshepherd #workingdogs #birthdayparty #dogtraining #knoxville #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #maryville #maryvilletn #maryvilletennessee
Happy Birthday to my Ride or Die! We’re wrapping up Kato’s golden birthday week(and a half) with a nice meal and spot o’ whiskey, graciously provided by @mosaicallylevi via @sacredsippers, after a week plus of tracking, a couple patio stops and other shenanigans.
Maddie the Golden regulating the escapees in the yard…
First we teach commands, then we proof commands-it’s cool that a dog can do something without any distractions in a sterile environment, and/or with the promise of treats.
The problem is that’s all the further most people take their training, and we all know that real life is rarely perfect.
So we work the 3 D’s of Proofing-Distance, Duration, Distraction.
Utilizing these three challenges in your training makes the dog’s commands stronger, prepping them over time for real life. But it takes time and baby steps forward to get there.
#goodenretriever #goodenretrieverpuppy #goldenretrieversofinstagram #dogtraining #backyardchickens #proofyoursh*t #workyourdog #jailbreak #knoxville #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #maryville #maryvilletn #maryvilletennessee
Following (and tracking) @cee_dubzz and @winnie_the_dutchie with @aardvark4x4 at #ck9trackingclub this fine eve. Ticks, rain, humidity, sticky red clay, fun hides, woods, urban, soft and hard surface fun. #germanshepherd #dutchshepherd #trackingdog #dogtraining #trackingk9 #searchandrescuedog #knoxville #knoxvilletn #knoxvilletennessee #maryville #maryvilletn #maryvilletennessee #derphardtrackharder