A summer storm
This video might be uninteresting to some, but to the babies in the Magical Forest Kingdom it's TERROR!!!
The introduction to this evenings torrential rain storm is severe lightning and thunder. Tonight in the forest the clap of thunder is like out of a horror movie topped with severe lightning. It's unnerving! It felt like a Vincent Price thriller. I walked the forest with the tease of a summer breeze and the roaring thunder threatening to blow trees down. The noise alarmed all beings to find a safe refuge. I couldn't leave, so I just walked throughout their colony comforting them . The rain arrived and it brought a wonderful cleansing. The thunder and lightning still remain.
The babies and friends of the forest occasionally acknowledge my presence with chatter. I felt their heartfelt gratitude .
Sweet dreams Tommy's friends ❤️
Live from the Magical Forest Kingdom.
Love, Tommy's babies and friends ❤️
Video: TFFF