Our worldview is based on our beliefs. And our beliefs are based on what we know and have been taught - about the world, our history, our enemies, science and discovery, and so on.
Most often, we will accept only the information which supports our beliefs and we discredit all other information. But to gain a deeper knowledge of the world, we must be prepared to question what we already know.
This is not easy, as it can create resistance in the body. The good thing is, if we are truly ready to grow, we can gently start to let go of
some of our beliefs. The way to recognize those beliefs is by questioning everything and accepting that our truth might change.
The whole concept of One Small Town has grown out of questioning our worldview. Now, we are discovering a different world. A world of small, connected, and supportive communities,
based on cooperation and producing immense abundance and prosperity for all. In One Small Town.
Your Small Town.
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