Gerbils galore!
We don't think Gerbils get enough credit so we want to shine a spotlight on just how great they are! Gerbils are one of the easiest and cleanest small animals you can have the pleasure of keeping! If you provide them a specific potty spot they will only use that specific potty spot! That's right, you can potty train a Gerbil! They are very social creatures so we recommend keeping at least 2-3 together to keep their moods boosted. It can be very stressful to introduce a new gerbil to an established group so we also recommend getting multiple at one time versus adding on occasionally. They originated from a desert environment and do prefer to burrow, so some nice deep bedding and some cardboard tunnels will keep them extra happy! They do love to run so we of course recommend an exercise wheel be provided for them! They do not require regular handling, and most do prefer infrequent handling. We are currently running a massive sale on Gerbils! If you purchase a Gerbil Care Kit, you will get one Gerbil FREE!!! Any additional Gerbils are Buy One, Get One FREE! For the price of a Gerbil Care Kit and one single Gerbil you get 3 Gerbils and everything you need to take care of them!