This time of year, we get calls for horses sore on both front feet. They are typically either easy keepers (overweight) and/or older. There is a natural rise in cortisol that occurs at its highest in September and October. If your horse has PPID (pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction) more commonly known as Cushings Disease, they do not regulate cortisol properly. They often have abnormal glucose and fat metabolism, which can lead to insulin dysregulation and an increased risk of laminitis/founder. You need to call us immediately if you notice them sore on both front feet. Occasionally, it can happen to the back feet as well.
Each case is individual, but many will be put on stall rest, given anti-inflammatories, review what they are eating, may have blood tests performed, x-rays, etc. Once they've had a laminitic episode or founder, they will always be prone to it. It's better to prevent it, which is a discussion for another day.
This picture is a pony that has chronically foundered and is way overdue on having his feet done.