Happy 2025! May this be a year of healing & hope. Still Wind Ministries
Be Still and Know that I Am God. Be Still and Know that I Am. Be Still and Know. Be Still. Be.
#be #stillness
Free to live, Free to be, Free to love
When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.
-Corrie Ten Boom
#sitstill #trusttheengineer #thereislightattheendofthetunnel
Today is National Making Life Beautiful Day. It's the day where we hope to see the beauty in the big and small, the hard and easy.
How can we help ourselves and others today to experience beauty? Maybe it's intentionally putting ourselves in a scene that we enjoy...even if it's simply remembering a beautiful season.
What would it look like for us to actively experience beauty today?
For me, I might pick a bouquet of flowers from my garden to display in my home. I might walk through the grass in my bare feet, or listen to the birds and try to identify them, or watercolor a picture of my back yard, or maybe write a kind note to a beloved friend. We will see what I end up doing. We would love to hear some beautiful ways that you might bring beauty to yourself and others. -Marni Hiner, Admin at SWM
#MakingLifeBeautiful #ExperiencingBeauty
An Irish Blessing -- May you always find three welcomes in life - In a garden during summer, at a hearth during winter, and in the hearts of friends throughout all your years.
When we are able to understand and label what we are going through, it becomes easier to convey our emotions, thoughts, and struggles to others effectively. By assigning a name or term to our experiences, we provide a shared language that allows others to comprehend our situation more accurately.
#interpersonalcommunication #bettercommunicationskills
"What is Interpersonal Communication? Skills, Types, and Examples | Simplilearn", simplilearn.com, Unknown, https://www.simplilearn.com/what-is-interpersonal-communication-article, Web, Accessed 09. Feb 2024