Well guys, this is a post I didn't want to do, but it looks like it's time. It looks like this will be the end of Last Minute Fishing Team Trail as we know it. We will not have any further club tournaments because we can't seem to get the boats. When we started this club about 5 years ago we set out to try to have a club where it was fun and fair for everyone involved, I think we did that. I truly hope that everyone who fished with us enjoyed the club as much as I did. I hope the club was ran in the fairest way possible for eveyone. I am grateful for all of the great fisherman I have meet over the years and the friends I've made. I really want to thank each and every person who has fished with us, and supported the club, it was alot of fun. I'm sure I will be putting on some open tournaments thru out the year, hope to see you there. Again, thank you to all those who supported us over the years. Good Luck and God Bless.