
SmoochPooch Mobile Doggies nail trimming and ear cleansing



My beautiful Kaya.  They told me to euthanize her 8 months ago. Nobody will decide when she goes to heaven except me. Sh...

My beautiful Kaya. They told me to euthanize her 8 months ago. Nobody will decide when she goes to heaven except me. She is 14 years old. She is a little blind and her hearing is minimal. She has good days and not so good days. I would imagine as I get older I will have good days and bad days too. She still gets excited loves to go on walks, enjoys sniff spots, she loves to eat her little treats and can still jump in the truck. Her life is not over. It just needs adjustments at times, special care at other times. However, as long as she enjoys life and isnt in constant pain she is staying here on earth. The decision is mine and mine only. I am ranting because someone told me today that I needed to put her down and I did the same thing to Caesar. Again, she is my dog and I will make that decision, no one else

They need your help.

They need your help.

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Please post pictures of your fur babies.  Funny, cute, whatever the pose is, let's see it.

Please post pictures of your fur babies. Funny, cute, whatever the pose is, let's see it.

This is Libby!  She is showing me that her nails need to be done. She is a handful, but a super sweetie.

This is Libby! She is showing me that her nails need to be done. She is a handful, but a super sweetie.


Welcome to SmoochPooch. Mobile nail trimming and ear cleanse. I have been doing dogs nail for 20 years. Iโ€™m quick and calm. No pain here just smoochies.


Dog nails $20
Ear cleanse $15
Discount for multiple dogs
Travel outside of Gresham $5


Gresham, OR





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