Farm tours are held on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, and are by reservation only.
Home to goats, rabbits, turkeys, donkeys, cats, sheep, pigs, ducks, deer a cow, dogs, guinea pigs, geese, tortoises, and chickens, Leilani Farm Sanctuary is located on a lush 8-acre farm in Haiku, Maui. It is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization created to provid
e shelter and care for abused animals, and humane education to the community. Our goal is to awaken the compassion in every visitor. Connecting with disarmingly happy animals acting in ways one doesn't expect farm animals to act, people are inspired to take the next step toward a cruelty-free lifestyle by adopting a diet free of animals. Leilani Farm Sanctuary is a paradise for animals. It's a paradise for humans, as well! On the outer, most visible level, LFS lives and breathes upon a unique piece of rolling land, eight volcanic acres on a green Pacific island. But its superb location and jaw-dropping natural beauty are but reflections of its lush inner essence. The sanctuary is a refuge for animals, a safe haven for those fortunate enough to have found their way here. Among them are many farm animals whose cousins live dismal lives on factory farms and are routinely slaughtered by the billions to satisfy the palates of those who still choose to be meat eaters. In stark contrast, the rescued individuals at LFS, some of them looked upon by the world at large as "food animals," are without a doubt among the most fortunate beings living on Planet Earth. The Sanctuary's Special Programs
Leilani Farm Sanctuary is an educational facility that teaches children and adults about animals in a way that changes their perspective about themselves and the world around them. Our emphasis is upon teaching that every living being needs food, water, shelter, shade, love, and has language. We host at-risk youth programs, school field trips, special needs children, elder activities, and farm tours for the general public, including visitors from the Mainland -- providing our community with a hands-on experience that is thought-provoking and stimulates social and emotional growth. Most of the animals at Leilani Farm Sanctuary were orphaned, neglected, or abused. Through interaction with animals, children from troubled homes learn forgiveness, courage, strength, leadership skills, trust, empathy, and kindness. When we relay the animals' stories to visiting children, it helps them relate to their own pain. (Often, when children are abused they turn their hurt around to abuse others, smaller than themselves.) Exploring with children how abused animals have learned to forgive and overcome their pasts, the animals become role models, helping the children deal with their pain and reach for their bright futures.