Bedding safety💕🐾
Bedding & Toy Safety
Doesn’t Marty look totally chill in his cozy bed? I know many ferrets out there will probably be getting some new beds & hammocks this holiday season from Santapaws! So let's take a sec to review bedding safety 💗🐾 please share with all your ferret loving friends 😀
Ferrets are little fluffy balls of energy and curiosity, and every single one has slightly different “idiosyncrasies''. There’s one thing that most ferrets have in common, at least to some degree: destructiveness!
Ferrets love to dig, chew, and scratch. Digging behavior in particular is deeply ingrained in them- it’s one of their oldest instincts. They will dig at the floor, at your sofa, and often, they will dig at their own bedding & toys. This behavior can lead to dangerous situations where they may become entangled in torn fabric or swallow pieces of bedding (or pieces of rubber/plastic from chewing on toys).
There are lots of warnings put out in the ferret community about avoiding specific brands of fabric toys and fabric beds, but we would like to stress that what brands a fabric item is matters very little… ferrets are totally capable of destroying even high end, well made beds, hammocks, and fabric toys. We should not become complacent simply because we invested in items that we see as well made. If ferrets can burrow through your own bed’s mattress, they can certainly burrow through most high quality pet beds.
Items with specific dangers should still be avoided all together- never offer your ferret rubber toys or chewable plastic toys. Pieces of rubber and plastic can EASILY cause a life threatening intestinal blockage. Blockages may require a surgery costing thousands of dollars, with no guarantee your ferret will survive. It is better to simply avoid highly dangerous materials in the first place.
While rubber and plastic items are easily avoided, bedding is something that is almost always present in a ferret’s living space. By bedding, we are referring to fleece blankets, plush pet beds, hammocks & hanging beds, fabric shelf liners, etc. Ferrets often dig at their beds and hammocks, and over time they may tear through the outer layer of fabric. When this happens, they are able to dig their way inside the item. They may become entangled and stuck, especially if the inner lining of the item is made of satiny material that shreds into strings and threads. At this point, a ferret can become traumatized, seriously injured, and there have been cases of ferrets dying, trapped inside a fabric toy or bed.
How can we prevent this from happening? Daily inspections! Regaurdless of where you purchased your fabric items, regardless if they are home made or from a commercial business, regardless if they seem to be high quality or lower in quality: check them EVERY day.
Things to look for:
• Thinning spots
• Small or large holes
• Loose threads
• Tears
• Indications of digging or chewing
• Any other form of damage
Once you discover that an item has been damaged, you should throw it away. I know that this can be difficult to do, especially if you are on a tight budget. However, throwing away a damaged $20 bed may save you from a $3000 vet bill future.