My brother passed away and he had a lot of collections. He loved trains. He had a lot of them. Building’s, tracks, many accessories and more. So much! He had Lego’s, new and used. Many of them. Vintage and hard to find ones. He also loved models. He had a lot of vintage models. Tanks, airplanes, ships ( Titanic is one of them), Transformer type ones and many more!
My sister in law is moving and we need to find new homes for Jerry’s collections. We have tried selling them but there is so much we decided to do an Auction. I would like to put the link here if that is permissible. If you would like to check it out please do. Feel free to share if you like. 😊🐾
It’s going on now until Thursday 12-12-2024 ends at 6:40pm cst. It would help my sister in law a lot! Thank you! 😊
If anyone wants to bid on anything you need to set up an account to get a bidding number. Here is the link. 😊🐾