Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Good morning from Miss Green and Miss Pink and the rest of the rascally Rascals!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey “S” litter born 1/16/2025
Introducing the Superstars to puppy mush!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: Artemis Thorvin, IGP3, hips A, elbows 0/0, spondy free, dm carrier, mdr1 clear
Von Cluskey "S" litter born 1/16/2025
MOM'S Home! The Superstars now meet Myka at the door when she comes back from her outside breaks!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: Artemis Thorvin, IGP3, hips A, elbows 0/0, spondy free, dm carrier, mdr1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
The shaggy puppy tug has been a hit with the Rascals. This is Mr. Dark Blue.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Miss Green Rascal and the shaggy puppy shammy.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Nothing to see here, just to hear, but this is the greeting I get every morning from the Rascals when they hear the door close to my bedroom as I get up and start the process of rotating dogs to get everyone out for the morning while I do morning horse and dog chores. I absolutely LOVE it! Please ignore my phone telling me there are 0 people (it likes to help me video accurately, even in the dark before lights come on), but do enjoy the Rascal's morning serenade!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Miss Orange and the shaggy puppy shammy. She Almost thought about bringing it back but decided she was just kidding, lol. Loving this silly girl and know her new family will, too!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Afternoon rascally rascalness.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Mr.s Yellow, Tan and Dark Blue stole the tennis shoe but Miss Orange decided Fox was more interesting.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
Miss Orange says it's my turn with Fox!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "R" litter born 12/22/2024
The fox is definitely a favorite toy. Mr. Yellow chose Fox over puppy play.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear
Von Cluskey "r" litter born 12/22/2024
6 week old rascally Rascals playtime!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, hips and elbows SV A-normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear