Von Cluskey German Shepherds

Von Cluskey German Shepherds Dedicated to producing stable clear headed well balanced dogs suitable for a wide variety of competitive sports, real life work or active family companions

Gemstone of Warhammer von Cluskey born 11/11/2020More congratulations to team Gemma!  Looking forward to maybe seeing yo...

Gemstone of Warhammer von Cluskey born 11/11/2020
More congratulations to team Gemma! Looking forward to maybe seeing you guys at some scent work trials next year!
Sire: Nico ze Zelene Uzlabiny, IPO1, AD, Cacib, HD/ED SV a-normal, HD-ZW77, DM and MDR1 clear
Dam: Dorotka Blitzkrieg, BN CD GN CGC CGCA CGCU PATS RN RA RE (2017 and 2018 rally nationals qualifier) IAC TN-I TG-I NJC NAC NCC, trailing, narcotics detection and protection trained, hips top 80th percentile through PennHip (.32, .32), elbows OFA normal, DM and MDR1 clear

Another amazing weekend with Gemma. She qualified for NADD Regionals but we chose to stay home and get a head start on our focus next year - Scentwork. Saturday she was entered in her second ORT and passed 2 of the 3 scents and then spent the rest of the weekend participating in an amazing 3 part workshop hosted by Nikki Markle with Canine Connection and presented by Vicky Lovejoy. Saturday was all about building drive and Gemma had a great time learning that searching boxes isn't completely boring. Today she worked on hard to find hides, hides with distractions, multiple hides, and clearing an empty room and this girl never quit. She started every search with a bark and finished each with a wagging tail. Thank you Nikki Markle and Vicky Lovejoy for a fun educational weekend.

Quinn von Cluskey born 3/7/2024Quinn and his handler Linda didn't let having to train in the summer heat and humidity in...

Quinn von Cluskey born 3/7/2024
Quinn and his handler Linda didn't let having to train in the summer heat and humidity in Georgia slow them down and successfully completed their STAR puppy certification! Super nice job, team Quinn!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: Artemis Thorvin, IGP3, hips A, elbows 0/0, spondy free, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Pandeia von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Pandeia (Fen) got to combine her love of water and toys when she and her handler participated in their first dock diving competition this past weekend and came away with 2 qualifying jumps--1 at 12.9 feet and 1 at 14 feet! Pretty dang good for a baby dog! Huge congratulations to Fen and Alexis on a successful weekend!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Flint Fisher von Cluskey born 9/5/2020It isn't often that we get to see our pups in person once they've left us, especia...

Flint Fisher von Cluskey born 9/5/2020
It isn't often that we get to see our pups in person once they've left us, especially those who go out of state, which is the majority of them, so it was a wonderful surprise for this handsome boy's family to contact me the end of last week to say they were in our area and wondering if they could stop by and say hi! Of course I said yes! Flint is accompanying his family, along with his cat, on a multi-state, 50 day tent camping trip and loving every minute of it! Even though he hasn't been here since he left us almost 4 years ago as an 8 week old puppy, he seemed to remember me and definitely remembered the property! So good to see you, Flint, and a huge thank you Manja for bringing him by to say hi! Hope the last 2 weeks of your trip are as fun and adventurous as the first 4!
Sire: Nico ze Zelene Uzlabiny, IPO1, AD, Cacib, HD/ED SV a-normal, HD-ZW77, DM and MDR1 clear
Dam: SG Roxi Sinensis Bohemia, ZVV3, Hips A normal, - Elbows 0/0, DM carrier, MDR1 clear

Gemstone of Warhammer von Cluskey born 11/11/2020We are so proud of team Gemma and all their accomplishments!  Added to ...

Gemstone of Warhammer von Cluskey born 11/11/2020
We are so proud of team Gemma and all their accomplishments! Added to this already long list are 2 of the 3 odors required to achieve her NACSW ORT. Versatility is the name of the game for a Von Cluskey German Shepherd!
Sire: Nico ze Zelene Uzlabiny, IPO1, AD, Cacib, HD/ED SV a-normal, HD-ZW77, DM and MDR1 clear
Dam: Dorotka Blitzkrieg, BN CD GN CGC CGCA CGCU PATS RN RA RE (2017 and 2018 rally nationals qualifier) IAC TN-I TG-I NJC NAC NCC, trailing, narcotics detection and protection trained, hips top 80th percentile through PennHip (.32, .32), elbows OFA normal, DM and MDR1 clear

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Big and handsome Petey wrote to tell me he got his first big boy cobra tech collar and we...

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Big and handsome Petey wrote to tell me he got his first big boy cobra tech collar and weighed in at 54 pounds at his vet visit to get his rabies shot this week! What a difference 6 months makes--6 ounces, tiny and weak at birth, 54 pounds and magnificently healthy and strong on his 6 month birthday! You rock it Petey!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Grandma Irma enjoying the good life.  Although she does scent work from time to time and still enjoys a good track and g...

Grandma Irma enjoying the good life. Although she does scent work from time to time and still enjoys a good track and goes nuts when she sees a ball or bite sleeve, for the most part she likes just hanging out and sleeping on the couch best of all. Love this girl so much!
Dorotka Blitzkrieg, BN CD GN CGC CGCA CGCU PATS RN RA RE (2017 and 2018 rally nationals qualifier) IAC TN-I TG-I NJC NAC NCC, trained in protection, trailing and area search and narcotics detection, hips top 80th percentile through PennHip (.32, .32), elbows OFA normal, DM and MDR1 clear

Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024My mischievous monkey girl left for her new home with her new family this past weekend....

Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
My mischievous monkey girl left for her new home with her new family this past weekend. I miss her smart, silly, energetic self, but love the pictures and updates I've already gotten that she is settling in well. I am looking forward to following all her training progress and many future achievements!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Pandeia von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Congratulations to this gorgeous not quite 6 month old pup from our fantastic "P" litt...

Pandeia von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Congratulations to this gorgeous not quite 6 month old pup from our fantastic "P" litter and her handler Alexis on passing her CGC with flying colors! We are very proud of you Fen!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Hamilton, Montanawww.voncluskeygsds.comBecause of leaving on vacation in September and not wanting the people who are so...

Hamilton, Montana
Because of leaving on vacation in September and not wanting the people who are so kindly taking care of the dogs for me while I’m away to have to deal with protective momma dogs and the extra work that comes with having puppies, and because my girls all chose to come into heat this summer at times that would make making this happen impossible, I chose to skip all heat cycles this summer and so won’t be having any puppies in the early part of fall. I am getting inquiries about when I might have pups available, however, so here are the planned breedings for late fall and early winter, 2024 and early 2025 with pups ready for new homes late winter and early spring 2025. For specifics about particular litters or my program in general, please visit the website or feel free to pm, email, call or text with any questions.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, HD/ED SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, HD/ED normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear

Sable, bi-color and black pups are expected in this litter with coated pups possible. Pups will have excellent working and sport potential with drive and energy that range from medium to high. They should make excellent active family dogs as long as drive and energy are given sufficient direction and outlet.


Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, HD/ED SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

This will be Onja's last litter, so for those who have said they want an Onja pup but the timing just wasn't right before, here is your last chance. All pups in this litter will be sable stock coats. Pups will be excellent working, sport and active family prospects with energy and drive that range from medium to high and nice off switches. They will be great active family dogs as long as you are prepared to give their drive and energy appropriate direction and outlets.


Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, HD/ED SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: Artemis Thorvin, IGP3, hips A, elbows 0/0, spondy free, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Sable, bi-color and black stock coat pups are expected in this litter. These will be excellent working and sport prospects who will also make wonderful active family dogs, but they will tend toward the higher end of drive and energy levels and, although they can have nice off switches, it can be a little more difficult to access them in this pairing.


Midnight Maisie von Cluskey born 3/7/2023We had visitors all the way from Oregon today!  Midnight Maisie, aka Storm and ...

Midnight Maisie von Cluskey born 3/7/2023
We had visitors all the way from Oregon today! Midnight Maisie, aka Storm and her human are here in Montana visiting relatives and stopped by to say hi! Storm was 1 of my favorites in the muppet litter and it was awesome to see her and finally meet her human in person this afternoon! Storm is very well trained and well behaved and performs light mobility and stability tasks for her person. She is super friendly and definitely remembered me and the place, even wanting to go say hi to some of her favorite dogs and see if her favorite puppy toys still lived where they always did before she left me at 8 weeks! Thank you so much Carrie for stopping by and bringing Storm to say hi--she's gorgeous and you've done a great job with her!
Sire: SG Baccary vom Peiner Burgpark, IGP3, hips and elbows SV A-normal

Dam: SG2 July Cevaro, IGP2, HD/ED normal, spondy-0, DM and MDR1 clear

Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Phelan got to be part of a bit of an experiment this past weekend.  I will, for the fir...

Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Phelan got to be part of a bit of an experiment this past weekend. I will, for the first time in almost 20 years, be going on vacation in September. Most of my dogs are okay being left with others to take care of them as long as it is someone used to dealing with these sorts of dogs, but because Cian is my competition dog, and because the only time I ever leave is to go to competitions with her, she has Never been left at home while I'm away for more than a long day, and the only person Firro has ever been left with is me when Mom has gone on vacation, so we thought we had probably better do a short trial run for the 2 of them to get used to the idea of other people taking care of them to see how it went. Mom brought Firro over to my place to stay and Phelan and I packed an overnight bag and went to stay at her house for the weekend because Phelan will be leaving for her new home in a couple of weeks so won't be here when I leave in September and because I thought it would be a good experience for her to come with me and hang out at Mom's for the weekend. She handled everything so well--settled right in to exploring her new surroundings, was super in the house and sleeping in her crate, went to the fairgrounds with us and watched the state drill team competition (very hard for her since she just couldn't understand why she couldn't race after all the galloping horses), and had a fabulous time playing with all Firro's toys. I am very happy to report Cian and Firro did great staying at home, too, and I am feeling much more confident about going away in September!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Nikola Gustaf von Cluskey born 3/29/2023This is a familiar look for a Von Cluskey pup!  Gus from the "N" litter went on ...

Nikola Gustaf von Cluskey born 3/29/2023
This is a familiar look for a Von Cluskey pup! Gus from the "N" litter went on his first camping trip complete with his first swim in the lake and Loved it! His humans report that he is a super pup with a great off switch!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Pandeia von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Got these pictures and update from Pandeia aka Fenrir (Fen) in PA today!  "Fen is doin...

Pandeia von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Got these pictures and update from Pandeia aka Fenrir (Fen) in PA today!

"Fen is doing amazing! I fall more and more in love with her each day. She has 2 weeks left of her obedience class then she will take the CGC test! She is amazing in public and always willing to work. She loves the water so I introduce her to dock diving and it was a hit! Maybe I have a future dock diving champ on my hands!"

Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Petey loves the find the shed game! He's currently working on a rubber shed with scent added, but he will be transitioning to real sheds very soon!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Von Cluskey baby dogs growing up and doing big dog things! These are the pups I kept from the "M", "N", and "O" litters last year with the intention of titling and adding to the program--the next step toward carrying Von Cluskey German Shepherds to the future! Thank you Kate for this awesome video and for all your hard work!

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Petey Loves to play tug!Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and e...

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Petey Loves to play tug!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Quinton von Cluskey born 3/7/2024Quinton (Chips) knows how to combat this crazy Montana heat wave!Sire: SG Noris z Micha...

Quinton von Cluskey born 3/7/2024
Quinton (Chips) knows how to combat this crazy Montana heat wave!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: Artemis Thorvin, IGP3, hips A, elbows 0/0, spondy free, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Phelan even manages to wear Firro out!Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, I...

Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Phelan even manages to wear Firro out!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
After a long sniff walk this morning, obstacle play before lunch, obedience work for lunch and a long nap in the shade after lunch, Phelan was ready to romp and roll with Uncle Firro this afternoon!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Hamilton, Montana; can shipwww.voncluskeygsds.comPhelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024People watching in town with Phelan.  ...

Hamilton, Montana; can ship
Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
People watching in town with Phelan. Our town has definitely grown over the past few years, but during the summer, when tourist season is in full swing, it becomes positively bustling. A great opportunity for a curious puppy to take in all the sights and sounds! She handled everything beautifully!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Hamilton, Montana; can shipwww.voncluskeygsds.comPhelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Phelan's first ride on an elevator.  A...

Hamilton, Montana; can ship
Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Phelan's first ride on an elevator. As she has done with every new thing I've introduced her to, she took it as just another adventure.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear



This is a great explanation for how leash reactivity gets started. In this case, the trainer is doing this intentionally as he is training the dog in question for protection sport, but, the same scenarios occur in our every day lives with our dogs, and this video beautifully demonstrates how our handling of the situation can inadvertently become part of the problem and how our dogs can become more aroused by how they perceive the response of what they are reacting to.


Phalko von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Phalko enjoying the fireworks of his first 4th of July with his family! I raise my puppies around all sorts of loud and sudden noises, and none of my adult dogs have any issue whatsoever with fireworks, gunfire, thunder storms or anything else of that nature, so my puppies realize from the very beginning that noises are nothing to be fearful or concerned about.
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Petey's first trip to the river with his humans to beat the Montana heat wave!  He absolu...

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Petey's first trip to the river with his humans to beat the Montana heat wave! He absolutely Loved it and his new mission in life is to rescue all the sticks from drowning! Squeaky Pete, the newest super hero (if you're a stick, anyway!)
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Hamilton, Montana; can ship
Phelan von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Phelan says she loves her Uncle Firro. This is the only use she has for the word uncle, lol, otherwise, it isn't in her vocabulary--she Never gives up!

Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear


Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024Petey has a great nose and hunt drive so his new fun game to learn will be shed hunting. ...

Pete von Cluskey born 2/24/2024
Petey has a great nose and hunt drive so his new fun game to learn will be shed hunting. He is quite proud of his new prize!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear

Dam: SG Onja vom Eisernen Kreuz, AD, IGP1, HD/ED SV A-Normal, ZW 69, dm carrier, mdr1 clear

Ilita von Cluskey born 11/8/2021Ilita and her human stopped by to say hi over the weekend.  Momma Irma surely does stamp...

Ilita von Cluskey born 11/8/2021
Ilita and her human stopped by to say hi over the weekend. Momma Irma surely does stamp her puppies! Although they are by 2 sires who couldn't be more different if they tried, Cian and Ilita could be twins in looks, build and temperament! Ilita was from Irma's last litter and my first litter sired by Noris and I love how she has grown and developed! Her human has done a fantastic job with her!
Sire: SG Noris z Michalkinej záhrady, 5X5/55 P, IGP 3, hips and elbows SV A-normal, dm and mdr1 clear
Dam: Dorotka Blitzkrieg, BN CD GN CGC CGCA CGCU PATS RN RA RE (2017 and 2018 rally nationals qualifier) IAC TN-I TG-I NJC NAC NCC, hips top 80th percentile through PennHip (.32, .32), elbows OFA normal, DM and MDR1 clear


137 McKillop Road
Hamilton, MT


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