Happy New Year!
You decide what you want.....
You decide what you are willing to GIVE?
Then you BEGIN!!!
Here is what our Special Community has been willing to GIVE for Several Years to offer HOPE, LOVE and COMPASSION to HUNDREDS of people in need.....Each and Every Month!!!
Thank you Louie's Fresh Market in Lake Linden for making the $30,000 needed each year to run The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs......For STRETCHING those DOLLARS into $46,000 each YEAR!!!
Thank you Festival Foods in Houghton for donating NINE PALLETS...over $100,000 in food and Medicine, to several Food Pantries in our area and allowing us to be a part of that!!!
Thank you Eric from Toni's Country Kitchen in Laurium for Donating over ONE THOUSAND PASTIES over the years! You have brought tears of JOY to so MANY!!!
Thank you Jen's Kitchen in Calumet for Donating Hundreds of Pasties, Bowls of soup and Delicious Desert Items over the years! Such a Blessing of LOVE and HOPE to so many!!
Thank you Jim's Pizza in Calumet for your YEARS of support to The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs. Jim's Pizza has Donated Thousands of Dollars to the Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry programs through the years!
Thank you Karl Niemala for Donating TWO LARGE COMMERCIAL FREEZERS and over 15,000 Pounds of meat in the last 4 Months! Miracles happen every night at the Family Dinner Table! Thank you Karl for allowing them to Happen for HUNDRREDS of Families!!!
Thank you Sue and Tom Fouts for Donating TWO LARGE FREEZERS and HUNDREDS of Pasties through the years! Amazing Couple who have given so much to our Community for DECADES!!!
Thank you the singing group....Noteworthy! Your Concert in June this year raised $1700 for the Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs!
Thank you Goodwill in Houghton. Your round-up program for the months of April, May and June in 2024 raise $1077.00 for The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs!
Thank you Keewanaw Co-Op for your round-up program. Your round program for the months of July, August and September 2024, not only raised $2800 for The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs but another $2800 went towards the Western Upper Peninsula Food Pantry Programs! AMAZING!!!!
Thank you Dan from Byler's Eggs in Pelkie! Dan continues to DONATE 45 DOZEN EGGS each time in has delivered EGGS the past several Months! Dan is a Special Man who Deeply cares for our COMMUNITY!
Thank you Rye and Wess from the Noggin in Hubbel. The Noggin has donated $1500 and over 5000 items from a very successful Food Drive! The Noggin has also expressed their desire to donate another $1500 in the near future and continue to find ways to support The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs.
Thank you Pats Foods, Dollar General and Family Dollar for doing what you can to continue to support our Local Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs!
Thank you to all the Local Farmers that GIVE So MUCH every Saturday after the Farmers Market in Calumet that provides so much Fresh Produce to so Many!
Thank you Calumet Township for helping secure Grants that have allowed Frozen Farms in Calumet to Provide HUNDREDS of Their AMAZING MEAT to The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs! Our Community is DOING TRULY AMAZING THINGS!!!!
As you can see.....It takes a lot of people to continue to make The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs to offer the HOPE, LOVE and COMPASSION to so MANY.....Each and EVERYDAY!!!
Please continue to look around your house, attic, basement, garage and storage facility area for any items that can be sold to raise the $2500 needed...EACH and EVERY MONTH for the Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs!
Food items are ALWAYS APPRECIATED and can be dropped off at The Office Shop in Calumet at 25703 Scott Street.......Monday through Friday......7:30 am until 4:30 pm!
Cash, Check, Gifth Cards to local stores, and all major credit card donations are also Welcomed and Deeply Appreciated!
Paypal and Venmo Donations can also be made to support The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs!
Our COMMUNITY has come a VERY LONG WAY in offering HOPE, LOVE and COMPASSION for HUNDREDS of people in need... Each and Every Month!
There is still MUCH to be DONE and we REALLY need your continued Support, Love and Compassion to keep The Calumet Free Fridge and Food Pantry Programs going strong and serving our COMMUNITY for YEARS TO COME!!
Miracles are happening everyday in our COMMUNITY and it is ONLY POSSIBLE through the CONTINUED SUPPORT by so MANY to HELP SO MANY!!!
Thank you!
Ron Rea