A raccoon that died after a fight with a dog on June 7th tested positive for rabies.
The raccoon died after the encounter near Falstaff Court in Eldersburg, off of Ridge Road near the Walmart Supercenter. The dog, who was previously vaccinated against rabies, received a booster shot for extra protection. The Health Department is concerned that other pets or people in the area may have been exposed to the infected raccoon.
“Rabies exposure occurs through bites and scratches or saliva from the infected animal getting into the eyes, nose, mouth, or a wound of a person or another animal,” said Joe Mancuso, Rabies Program Manager at the Health Department.
Anyone who may have been exposed or whose pet may have been exposed to bites, scratches, or saliva from this raccoon can call the Health Department at 410-876-1884 for a risk assessment.
Rabies is most often seen in raccoons, cats, skunks, foxes, groundhogs, and bats in Maryland, but can sometimes be seen in other animals such as dogs, ferrets, deer, and even cows and other farm animals. “Observe wildlife and animals you don’t know from a distance, and keep your pets vaccinated,” advised Mancuso. “If you see a sick or wounded animal, or one that is acting strangely, call Animal Control at 410-848-4810.”
To keep yourself, your family, and your pets safe from rabies:
- Do not approach, handle, pet, or feed wild or stray animals.
- Have your dogs, cats, and ferrets vaccinated against rabies and keep their vaccinations up-to-date. The Health Department will hold a low-cost rabies vaccination clinic on Sunday, September 15, 2024 from 2-4 pm at the Ag Center in Westminster. Cost is $10 per pet.
- Do not leave pets outside unattended or allow them to roam free.
- Cover garbage cans tightly and do not leave pet food outside.
- Teach children to stay away from wild animals and any animals that they do not know.
- Prevent bats from entering your home by using window screens and chimney caps. Bats found in the home should be safely collected, if possible, and tested for rabies.
If you or your pet have been bitten or scratched by a wild or stray animal, wash the area with soap and water for several minutes. Keep your pet away from other people and pets. Then call your physician or veterinarian and contact the Health Department (410-876-1884).
For more information: https://phpa.health.maryland.gov/Pages/rabies.aspx