Last night I was in bed thinking about 12yrs ago! All the activity that happened in these two days. I was officially told on the 27th I would be going to the operation room, but wasn’t sure what time. My surgery was the last of all the organs harvested.
So, around 6am 12 yrs ago I began my prep!! My mom and Mike had slept in chairs in my room that night and my dad was on his way back. John, my nurse, was with us and took all of us down the elevator and went as far as he was allowed with my family. John got to go into the actual room with me where he grabbed my hand and told me you got this kid!!! I remember telling another nurse right before I went out, don’t forget I want my heart to go to science. I still hope that maybe it was used to learn something to help others. I know it went to where it was to go, because we have pictures of that poor beat up heart ❤️
Days later my mom told me the doctors didn’t know how my poor heart kept me alive as long as it did. They told my family I shouldn’t have lived past 18! My poor beat up heart had a purpose from God..
Thank you to my donor and their family for such an unselfish act to keep me here today. I hope they are watching my with my mom in heaven and that they are proud of the things I have done to help others that are ill. I hope that someday things return to normal so I can continue to help others.