Alice was putting on a show before the snow started flying a few weeks back. Her athleticism and balance continually blows my mind.
Such a rewarding feeling when you can ride a young horse in the arena while machinery is driving around. Without a care in the world. Indie is really settling into herself and becoming a rockstars under saddle. @cathyblanck
#horsemanship #horses #painthorse #naturalhorsemanship #lifebetweentheears
The first time I loaded this horse I was seven months pregnant. Not ideal, I had never handled her or even seen her in person. She was not an easy load. She pulled back immediately, and was fairly sticky and bothered. Once she got in, which in hindsight didn’t take long once I got her feet freed up, she was even more worried. I found myself pinned in the front of a two horse slant, with a very nervous horse that was pawing and clearly uncomfortable. I somehow, with the help of her owner and a friend, got her shut in the slant and I climbed out from underneath it. (Not smart, yes I know, but it was the only way I could get out)
When I unloaded her, I realized it wasn’t necessarily about the trailer, it was about going out of the trailer. This mare basically crawled out of the trailer backwards on her belly. The second she would get loaded all she could think about was how she was going to get out.
I’ve hauled her several times since, and I started taking the slant out, letting her turn around and come out forward. Then I hauled her loose, took her halter off and let her stand where she felt comfortable.
Today was the first time I’ve loaded her when she had ZERO stress going in or coming out. I was even able to self load her, something I’ve never tried. I’ve spent hours with her on the ground between our first meeting and this one, along with her very dedicated owner, getting her feet freed up, walking over bridges, tarps, puddles, in and out of gates with the flag, with the rope…
Bottom line. It’s not about the trailer. It’s about their feet. It’s about their mind. When their feet are right, their minds are right, and they will go anywhere you point them.
This weeks PSA : do your groundwork!! Willa June insisted on catching her pony alone this morning. She had trouble getting her neck low enough for the halter so I told her to throw the rope over her neck and lead her that way. Good girl Annie!
#horsemanship #groundwork #naturalhorsemanship #horsemanshiptraining #ropehalter #pony #paintpony
Working on that noise with our flags!
There was a time where Indie (the paint) was pretty troubled about the bridge. I think those times are in the past.