Inspired Horsemanship

Inspired Horsemanship "Inspire" - to fill with the urge or ability to do or feel something. Olivia's goal is meet horses

What DO you want your horse to do? I think this is a really valuable change in mindset when we are having a moment that ...

What DO you want your horse to do?

I think this is a really valuable change in mindset when we are having a moment that feels difficult, scary or frustrating with our horses.

If your horse is acting up everytime you pass the gate and trying to turn around or falling in at a particular area or being concerned about where her friends are do your best to not focus on "don't do ______" or "stop doing_____." That is what they want to do in that moment. They are INTRINSICALLY motivated to do that thing. So if you say no, with no additional ask, they are going to likely go right back to that thing, even if they do stop momentarily. You haven't really asked for anything different. Also, this is just a negative head space to be in. You are annoyed, worried, focused on the thing you don't want, thinking your horse is being naughty....and also not really providing any guidance to do anything different.

Instead, ask for something you do want. Visualize it. Visualize every step and then ASK THEM TO DO THE THING. Please calmly walk forward on this specific path. Please yield your shoulders. Please switch your bend. Please do these transitions with precision. Guess what, you could also probably use some good, clear direction/a plan in that moment too. Honestly it doesn't matter what the thing is most of the time. Make a plan and guide your horse through it.

Think of it like a toddler. Do you want to run around behind them yelling no don't do that 1 million times fom them just to find the next thing to get into
Or, do you say, hey come along and let's do this other thing together that seems interesting. Be a confident, guiding leader and invite them to join you in your task.

Spent this beautiful Sunday teaching at Daisy Haven Farm. This team has an unwaivering commitment to happy, healthy hors...

Spent this beautiful Sunday teaching at Daisy Haven Farm. This team has an unwaivering commitment to happy, healthy horses 💜

How does your helmet measure up?

How does your helmet measure up?

The Virgina Tech Helmet Lab has released its much-anticipated equestrian helmet ratings. Taking the top spot in the rankings is the $460 Champion Revolve X-Air MIPS helmet, but in good news for riders who are both frugal and safety conscious, the re...

Tell me your in hand body release work is working without telling me it's working.

Tell me your in hand body release work is working without telling me it's working.

Let's talk about body workers. I love me a good body worker and have a fabulous team, but.....If you are needing your bo...

Let's talk about body workers.

I love me a good body worker and have a fabulous team, but.....

If you are needing your body workers all of the time, it's time to take a hard look at what is going on. Your magical body worker comes in, helps your horse and then a couple of weeks later you are back where you started. Why? Probably because you are riding your horse in dysfunction. Are you crunching their neck? Is their thoracic sling collapsed? Are they plodding along on their front end? Does your saddle not fit and they are protecting themselves?

I am all about treating horses like the athletes they are and supporting their bodies but if you find your horse is having the same tightness or compensation pattern over and over it's time to find someone who can help to fix or at least improve the dysfunction in how your horse is moving WHEN HE BEING RIDDEN.

Making the comeback from being laid up a positive-the ability to reinvent and repair. As horse people we are all too fam...

Making the comeback from being laid up a positive-the ability to reinvent and repair.

As horse people we are all too familiar with injuries or being out of commission for one reason or another- we are hurt, our horse is hurt, pregnancy, winter, rain, life... Whatever it may be that unfortunately keeps us from riding.

I am about at Type A as they come and finding my plans and goals being derailed drives me crazy. But, I had the really beautiful realization riding last week. Starting over (not really, starting over at all, it's not like you and you horse suddenly forget everything you knew, but it sure does feel that way sometimes) is an amazing opportunity.

You can only walk, GREAT! You can finally work on really engaging your horse's core and build small muscles you may have always ignored because you would rather be doing anything else. You can work on the sticky connection issue you have always had when you do _______ that you always just babied your way through. You can master every lateral movement in the walk so when you are ready to tackle them later in trot and canter you will be light years ahead of where you would have been otherwise.

In my case I just had a baby a month ago and am helping my body get strong again. I rode pretty much my whole pregnancy but let's face it, riding 40 weeks pregnant is not the same as doing paper chases and riding second level. I can trot...a little. I can canter even less. I am not interested in getting hurt or asking too much of my body. Normally this would drive me crazy. But it didn't. You know what I did. Made evey step count and began to use the downtime to retrain my muscle memory bad habits. I rode the trot with relaxed hips that not only moved front to back but also side to side (The downside to being really strong is usually also being really tight!). I rode each canter stride and transition with a correct pelvis, open chest, a straight neck and soft upright hands. I like to think I always do this but I know I don't. I have bad habits just like everyone else.

Coming back from time off doesn't have to be frustrating. It can really be a gift. So make the most of it and clean up those things you are going to go back to wanting to ignore when you can be doing more.

The concept of rewarding your horse with a "break." Horse A: Horse A is sticky and behind the leg. Some would even call ...

The concept of rewarding your horse with a "break."

Horse A: Horse A is sticky and behind the leg. Some would even call it lazy. The majority of your ride you keep the concept of "carry yourself" and "don't overuse your leg" at the forefront of your mind. This horse may be educated but needs work on truly being responsive to your aides. Marching forward with purpose requires being very present. The last thing this horae wants or needs is a walk break! You just spent 20 minutes saying look alive please, you aren't going send mixed signals and suddenly nag and let them plod along right!? Well at least I hope not. So, the alternative is to be consistent and take a "break" while marching along at the walk. Listen, if you are both just catching your breath and are still in work mode, this is a great plan. If you are trying to take a brain break and reward your horse for good effort or a job well done....this isn't the answer. Let them just stand there. THAT is a break. THAT allows them to disengage for a minute. That says nice work, I have released all of the pressure.

Horse B: Horse B is antsy. He like to move around a bit, check you for treats, look where his friends are... Opposite of Horse A.... He thinks walking is great! Let's say you are teaching him to load. He want to do everything quickly and just wiggle. Your conversation is constantly "please wait for me to tell you what to do" and "slow the heck down and actually wait and listen." He does and rocks it, he is polite and listening but man is it hard for him. He gets on a couple times and stands patiently. Getting off the trailer and being asked to just stand still is probably NOT a reward or a brain break for this horse. Standing still is HARD and requires a lot of self controls. Turn this horse loose for a second if you are in a confined space and let him move freely. THIS is a break for him. This takes all the pressure off and says nice work.

Does Horse B need to to learn to stand quietly just as much as Horse A needs to learn to march along at the walk? Of course! But that is not the point here. Those things are work for these guys and should be treated as such. Why would they try their hardest if it results in more work? I am not lazy but I am also not stupid. That system wouldn't encourage or motivate me!

So, remember your horse is an individual. Get to know them and make your rewards clear and fitting. They will thank you and you will both be a lot happier!

When you are told there is no way to fix a problem or that you cannot reach a goal or do something.... I hope you are no...

When you are told there is no way to fix a problem or that you cannot reach a goal or do something.... I hope you are not discouraged. I hope you think THEY may not know how to fix it 🔍 and WATCH ME 💪.

Find your people. Find your team who knows more than you. Search for answers. Don't take no for an answer. Believe in yourself. Believe in your horse. Get gritty. Be inspired to do all of the things.

My PSA for the day is- go hack your horse! A critical part of any athlete's development is cross training.  It is an eve...

My PSA for the day is- go hack your horse!

A critical part of any athlete's development is cross training. It is an even bigger part of rehab.

As the saying goes variety is the spice of life – and the same applies to the work you do with your horses. As his personal trainer it’s important to expose him to a wide variety of surfaces and experiences. As more and more of us have access to artificial surfaces to ride on some horses aren’...


More fun from today!

What a successful horsemanship clinic at Hopes Haven today! Thank you so much to this fabulous group of ladies for showi...

What a successful horsemanship clinic at Hopes Haven today! Thank you so much to this fabulous group of ladies for showing up ready to work and with great attitudes.

Our focus today was timing and movement in balance. We put our new skills to the test by playing with the pedestal at the end of the morning session!

Beautiful riding today from Brandi on the wonder baby, Moon.

Beautiful riding today from Brandi on the wonder baby, Moon.

Hip tightness, butt cramps and low back pain has been a pretty frequent topic of conversation lately. Last night I got a...

Hip tightness, butt cramps and low back pain has been a pretty frequent topic of conversation lately. Last night I got a special request for a video to explain some exercises and stretches that I have found to be game changers when done regularly!

Side note: making videos is way out of my comfort zone...things outside of our comfort zone help us grow and that is always something to be grateful for!

What a beautiful weekend full of some really wonderful lessons. Ladies you are all seriously amazing💪

What a beautiful weekend full of some really wonderful lessons. Ladies you are all seriously amazing💪


I have taken a step back from "real" things with this guy for a little to just get him used to some more things that make him uncomfortable and hopefully help him learn to learn with some silly tricks! It always goes better when you can convince a horse to try to confidently and methodically search for the right answer instead ping ponging off of pressure.


First time trying this outside. He was a big brave kid today! We even made it into the fields and through the woods.


Best Advice! So Be Like Bill 🤩

Wising everyone a safe and very Merry Christmas 🎄☃️

Wising everyone a safe and very Merry Christmas 🎄☃️


This guy holds tension like no other horse I have ever met. He holds it until he just can't do it any more.... and then 🧨 BAM. So the plan is to go slow. Like painfully slow until he breathes through each piece. The goal with this guy isn't necessarily to get each thing perfect but to do it relaxed. I eventually hopped on him today and then hopped off with his first big sigh. You can definitely see the change in his demeanor by the end!

He will eventually be a super star, I don't doubt it for a minute!


Harrisburg, PA





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