Dog Training By Lynzee

Dog Training By Lynzee Improving the bond between you and your dog! My skill sets include Basic & Advanced Obedience, Reactivity on leash, and many more!

I love helping people with their dogs, I have a wealth of knowledge, and great resources to support you and your dog.


Jaida would also love some volunteers to walk her or spend time with her at the kennel while we search for her forever family.


A lot of my clients seem to be very uncomfortable with the idea of separating their dog and child for safety reasons. But I recently had an epiphany - they all assumed that separation was the same as isolation. And it's not.

Using management strategies, such as using a pen to cordon off an area for a child to play, provide separation between the dog and child. But neither the dog or child is isolated. Everyone can still see each other. The parent can still interact with everyone. And with time and patience, everyone can be very comfortable and safe with such an arrangement.

So now, I am always reminding clients that "Separation is not the same as isolation." It's simply a way for parents to function and do the impossibly difficult job of raising kids and dogs together.


When we punish dogs for growling, even if they're growling at our child, we aren't helping them feel better about whatever it is that is threatening them. Instead, we are teaching to stop letting us know when they feel unsafe.

The result? A dog who stops giving us warning signs and "bites out of the blue."
And, that's how we create dangerous dogs. I'd much rather have a dog growl and tell me they're upset (so we have a chance to intervene and help them) than a dog who just bites without any warning signs.

This is Winston…he’s available through Furry Friends Network. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting him today and when ...

This is Winston…he’s available through Furry Friends Network. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting him today and when I tell you that this boy could be the most amazing dog you ever own I absolutely mean it! Initially, he wasn’t too sure about the person standing in his yard with a book bag and big sunglasses on, but once he got a good couple sniffs and realized that the bag was full of FOOD we were instant besties!

He’s young, agile (agility anyone), aware of his surroundings (he’ll let you know what’s going on around you but he’s not over the top), he’s absolutely dog social and friendly, food motivated, and a quick learner. I think he’d be your new best friend no matter what you’re into. He does better meeting people away from home, like most dogs, but warmed up to be very quickly and even showed some other dogs in the house that I wasn’t so scary after all.

He would probably do better with older kids, as he’s a little grabby with hands (because he’s convinced every hand might have a treat), and needs to work on his leash manners (he’s just so excited to see the world) but overall for such a young guy he could be your dream dog with just a little guidance! He’s on my list for HOPE, but honestly I’d love to find him a forever home before then!

It’s really not often that I will make a post about a dog shortly after meeting them, but there is just something about this boy! I am telling you, he’s an amazing dog! Check out his profile pics, as this one does not capture his big ol ears or his curly tail!

Our job is to support, not push.

Our job is to support, not push.

It’s normal for puppies, adolescents and even adult dogs to be worried of new things. Treating unfamiliar objects or environments with caution is a survival mechanism. It could potentially save their lives.
You might even see these periods increase then die down again as they grow. These are kicking in at same time as the need to be more independent.
Our job isn’t to encourage or push. Our job is to support patiently, provide choices and confident reassurance.

So listen…if I know you because I’ve worked with you and your dog, or I know you through dog-related events please know ...

So listen…if I know you because I’ve worked with you and your dog, or I know you through dog-related events please know that your listed in my phone as “🐶People Name - Dog’s Name” and your ringtone is barking.

And who doesn’t love a dopamine hit!

And who doesn’t love a dopamine hit!

DOPAMINE does a lot more than reward‼️

🧠 Fast dopamine neurons are involved in the detection of events and ascribing of value. Slow dopamine neurons are needed for movement, behavioural activation, motivation, reward and punishment (yes punishment increases dopamine too). Dopamine concentration outside the neurons is needed for movement control, which is critical for dog sports.

😱 There is so much more than conditioning going on in our dogs' brains when we train them, and understanding the beautiful complexity expands our horizons, and helps us help them.

(Shared with permission by Barking Brains)

I bet you didn’t, did you? Shame on you 😂

I bet you didn’t, did you? Shame on you 😂


❤️🐾❤️ I absolutely love this! To me, it doesn’t matter whether you have a “normal” dog or a dog that needs a little more...

❤️🐾❤️ I absolutely love this! To me, it doesn’t matter whether you have a “normal” dog or a dog that needs a little more, we can work together to find ways to improve your relationship with eachother and the world around you! ❤️🐾❤️

I spend so much time working with people and their reactive or aggressive dogs, learning how to help them and work with them, but I also try to show people with NON reactive dogs learn how they can help them too. I have both kinds, dogs who take things too personally (like eye contact from 100 yards away - ahem, Aslan) and dogs who think everyone needs a hug and a slobber (ahem, Andy). I truly believe if we work together as a collaborative society of dog lovers we can help every dog live their best life. Here are some things I try to teach every human and dog team, and I’ve actually found these are good preventative tools too.

1. Stop letting your dog have on leash greetings with other dogs. Even if they are friendly. Teach your dog when they are on leash you are the best thing they can focus on! This will minimize their conditioned excitement every time they see another dog and help them not pull, lunge or move towards a reactive dog who doesn’t want an interaction. Also, the more you do let your dog meet dogs on leash, the more frustrated and aroused your dog can get when they see them and then reactivity can develop. NO leash greetings all around is a much healthier way to teach your dog(s) that the world out there is great but you’re even better to focus on!

2. Silence your dogs tags. I started doing this a few years ago when we started camping. I realized that the jingling of my dogs tags walking was a huge trigger for many of the dogs in their campsite, and as a result, they would bark and scream profanity at my dogs walking. This made their walk stressful too. By minimizing the noise, I’ve greatly improved my dogs walks and I know I’ve also helped a lot of reactive dogs not get triggered for the umpteenth time that day.

3. Work on a bombproof recall. And then work on it some more. And then some more.

4. Only let your dog off leash in places that are allowed. Even if you think no one is there. Even if it’s just for a second. Just. Don’t. Do it. It’s not fair and it sets so many dogs and humans up to fail. Want a place to let your dog run? Look at

5. Respect muzzles, give me space vests, and people saying “no” It is super hard to take a reactive dog out in public and have confidence. The more we give space and respect the better these teams will do! Don’t make judgements or stare or insist on saying hello because you hope to be the exception. Just tell them they are doing a great job and keep going.

6. Don’t let your dog stare. This is a BIG one we work on in all our classes. We teach humans how to position their dogs so they don’t stare at other dogs. I work hard on teaching my dogs to not stare at other dogs on leash and you can too. This is more subtle than not leash greeting but it can be just as helpful. Teach your dog to acknowledge there’s a dog there, but then move on, or turn around and not face them. For many reactive dogs there is nothing more triggering than a goofy adolescent dog staring at them across the road. I swear they scream back “WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!”

7. Confine and safely manage your dog in the car. Dogs hanging out of windows, barking and lunging in the backseat, or moving back and forth in the car are problematic because 1. It’s not safe and 2. It’s teaching THEM terrible behavior and 3. It’s very stressful for reactive dogs trying to walk down the road. My dogs are crated in the car; or tethered or use a calming cap to reduce their own stress and the stress of dogs that may walk past.

8. Offer to help. Ask the person what you can do to make it easier or help them? More space? Or moving back and forth? Or just continuing on your way. Some people struggle to find others with NON reactive dogs to practice with, so having help makes a big difference. Speak up if you see someone putting them down. Warn someone with an off leash dog that there’s a dog there that needs space. Help them the same at YOU would like it if it was you and your dog.

Reactive dogs are not broken: and they aren’t abnormal either. Reactivity honestly is now becoming more normal than NON reactive dogs, so we have to all work through this together. And it boils down to respect, understanding, courtesy and lots of reward based training.

We can do it gang.

-Helen St. Pierre

With temperatures soaring this week 🥵 keep your pets safe and entertained inside during the highest heat times. I’ll be ...

With temperatures soaring this week 🥵 keep your pets safe and entertained inside during the highest heat times. I’ll be honest, these are pretty entertaining for me too! 😂

Looking for some easy ways to keep your dog busy indoors? Here's 33 simple games and activities you can do to keep your dog entertained


Something everyone should know👇

We should always avoid putting dogs in uncomfortable situations. Regardless of whether they're muzzled or not.

Just because a muzzle negates the risk to others, doesn’t mean that it changes the way our dogs FEEL!

It’s so important to treat your dog as you would if there was still a high risk of injury to another being because in doing so you will be more likely to keep your dog out of situations you know they’re unlikely to be able to cope with.

👉 Your dog will still be uncomfortable with dogs even if they're muzzled.

👉 With a muzzle on, your dog will still be uncomfortable at the vet.

👉 If your dog was so fearful they tried to bite your neighbour before, they still might try with a muzzle on.

A muzzle is a MANAGEMENT TOOL that keeps dogs and others safe, but a muzzle alone doesn’t create emotional change. 💕

Putting on a muzzle doesn't mean we can throw everything at our dogs that we couldn't before, just because the risk to others is lower. We help our dogs grow in confidence and feel safe, not them. We do it with good management, great, ethical training, and considering whether our dogs will enjoy our situations.

Let me know if you agree! 💗

Jaida is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443.  You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Jaida here, ht...

Jaida is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Jaida here,

Jaida continues to come out of her shell more and more every week. We think she knows she’s leaving soon, we just wish she would land somewhere with a comfy couch and not a concrete floor of a kennel. This past week we got a new pup on the block and she’s a lot of fun! Right away Jaida took to her through the fence and they’ll romp and play along the fence line together. It’s adorable to watch! When she’s done playing with Callie, she comes back to her handler and initiates play with him. For an older girl, she does love playing, but she’s calmer about it too.

Jaida, or Jaida Bear, as she’s affectionately called by some, is so very smart. SHe’s always up to learn something new too. She knows all the basic cues of obedience and is pretty good with her advanced cues too. She will even bark on cue! She will also bark to let you know that something is going on outside and she promises to protect and take great care of her family. All she asks for in return is a bright pink ball that squeaks, a comfy bed or couch, some food, occasional treats (okay she said hourly treats), and someone that will love her! She also wants you to know that its important that she be the only pet in the house and she’s not comfortable about young kids,

Jaida is open for a foster home, foster-to-adopt, or straight up adoption. All approved foster homes have all medical and food expenses paid for by the rescue. You’ll also have a whole rescue supporting you, not to mention the assistance of HOPE and HOPE Trainer…all free to you as the foster or adopter, for the rest of Jaida’s life!!! Jaida Bear needs to have a soft place to land by 29 July, or she will be returned to her rescue’s kennel and Jaida will not do well in that environment. If you have any questions about fostering, foster-to-adopt, or adopting Jaida, please feel free to email [email protected]!

Jaida is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Jaida here,

Hazel is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443.  You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER HAzel here, ht...

Hazel is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER HAzel here,

Hazel made me proud once again! She made a new friend and her name is Callie! They get along and they even play off leash together!!! For short time periods, but its still good play! I think Hazel likes her because Callie can keep up with her! Both girls are rough and tumble with their play, when Hazel flipped her over and rolled her and Callie came back for more, even trying to do the same to her! Hazel’s relationships with other dogs has really come a long way, she’s different than how she was when she first got here. She’s really grown and changed in how she views dogs. She seems to enjoy hanging out with them, sometimes even playing with them, but it always takes some time and understanding of Hazel.

Like Jaida (Hazel’s nemesis) and Rocco, Hazel also needs a place to crash at the end of July. Hazel just has two requests…one, she doesn’t want to live with Jaida, or any other dog for that matter…and two, you have to promise to love her as much as she will love you, and it will be a competition because everything with her is a competition! If you’re interested or have questions, please contact [email protected].

Hazel is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Hazel here,

Rocco is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443.  You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Rocco here, ht...

Rocco is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Rocco here,

Rocco has had a great week, as the weather gets nicer and nicer he becomes more and more energized! Oooooor maybe its the beets he’s been eating? The one thing we know for sure is that Rocco loves his vegetables especially cooked veggies. I swear he had human trait and maybe he takes after his handler!

Rocco has also been enjoying the presence of Callie, the new pup on the block! He knows that she is only a puppy. Initially he thought she was just another dog but he welcomed her! I have to be on point because he tries jumping on her back to wrestle with her, but then its like he realizes that she’s a baby and he has to relax. Its funny watching him and her play together.

Rocco is also looking for a place to crash after he leaves HOPE in July too! And just like Jaida and Hazel, he’s open to a forever home, foster home, or foster to adopt home! If you have questions please contact [email protected].

Rocco is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Rocco here,


Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

But it’s facts and evidence, not personal opinions that do matter, especially when you are a professional who teaches others.

With positive reinforcement there is an abundance of evidence that it’s the most effective, ethical and comprehensive approach. I happily provide such evidence to any of my clients who wish to broaden their knowledge.

So if someone tells you to use force, dominance, fear or pain (that includes the use of prong, choke or e collars) ask them to give you scientific evidence that states that those are absolutely necessary to train a dog.

They can’t? Well, there’s a surprise …


Canine Brain Games Enrichment Program for your dog.

🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe they have a point 🤷🏼‍♀️

🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe they have a point 🤷🏼‍♀️

Not Pulling

I probably shouldn’t admit this, but some of my best work has come about because of Kane, Olaf and all the other dogs th...

I probably shouldn’t admit this, but some of my best work has come about because of Kane, Olaf and all the other dogs that have come through here along the way.

Don’t Know


I don’t know how the human is away working without me. Sure she does all the finger tapping stuff, but the smarts and inspiration is all me

I couldn’t be more proud of Jaida!  When she a brief parole for a new photoshoot she warmed up to not only the new peopl...

I couldn’t be more proud of Jaida! When she a brief parole for a new photoshoot she warmed up to not only the new people that were there, but the camera as well! Look at her go!!! Just like Rocco and Hazel, Jaida needs a foster or forever home all to herself. No cats, no kids, no other dogs…but she’ll be all the dog you need in your life!

Today Jaida wanted me to tell you a little more about herself. She is smart (she recently impressed the trainer with her “Speak” cue!), she’s funny (sometimes I think she does goofy things on purpose just to make me laugh), she’s pretty (I mean just look at her gorgeous shiny coat), and she will protect her family and the ones that she loves (she’s always watching her curroundings and will let me know if there’s something going on). Throughout the time that I have had Jaida I have grown to see the beauty in her, past all the scars that she endured as a young pup, and see how much she truly loves to make people happy and laugh with her silliness. She just needs someone to give her the opportunity.

Jaida LOVES treats, maybe more than she loves people, but since people have the treats, she can’t love one without the other! It doesn’t matter what she is doing, if she hears a bag crinkling she thinks it must be a treat for her and she will come running at TOP SPEEDS, with the wind pushing her ears back and tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. When she gets to you, she skids to stop, making sure she’s already sitting and waiting to give you paw for that treat.

Even though Jaida is an older girl at 8 years old, she’s got the energy of a young pup! She loves to play when we go out to the yard, fetch seems to be the favorite game of hers. Doesn’t matter if it’s a ball, a stuffie, or whatever, she will chase it and bring it back until she’s exhausted herself! After exercise, Jaida likes to be a baby. She will wiggle her way under you, next to you, on top of you, whatever and wherever she can get! She just loves to be close, once she learns that she can trust you.

Jaida is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PACanine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Jaida here,

Oh Hazel…this girl tugs at my heartstrings every single day!  She’s looking for a forever or foster family by the end of...

Oh Hazel…this girl tugs at my heartstrings every single day! She’s looking for a forever or foster family by the end of July too! She’d love an active family…hiking, walking, dog agility, fly ball, Hazel is your adventure dog!

Hazel is still doing great in here, but she’s really ready for adoption! She played with Merlin a few times this week and then they laid next to each other, and I fed them treats. Hazel also played with Booker…Hazel is used to being the boss and in his own mind, so is Booker, so we watch them closely! They did okay though, we’re real proud of her!

Hazel got a lot of yard time this week, thanks to the nice weather! She ran the fence with her friends and played with her favorite toy, any type of ball! She just loves to be active!!!

She also met some new people this week and she was on her best behavior too! I reminded them, and I’ll remind you too that she’s still available for adoption…hint, hint!

Hazel is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Hazel here,

Keep your paws crossed for Booker! We’re working with him and a potential adopter who would love to turn Booker into the...

Keep your paws crossed for Booker! We’re working with him and a potential adopter who would love to turn Booker into the best version of himself…a therapy dog!!!

The week Booker was taken to a Harrisburg Senators game and I was told he did VERY WELL! I had no doubts to his behavior because he adores people and loves food! What better place to get all of that, than a baseball game! He showed me how much he missed me when he came back from the game by showering me with kisses and hugs.

The two of us play daily and our bond is very strong. The agility training that we do is coming along rather well, especially since there is no fear in him and he will always try to please us both! Rarely does he fail to impress me or others. Booker is a sure thing if you are looking for an awesome canine, he will certainly check all of your boxes.

I know it was last week, but I’m really proud that Booker was chosen to represent HOPE at the Harrisburg Senator’s game the other week. The words used by the person who took him were, “He was amazing! He LOVED greeting all the kids and getting all the attention!” Booker just loves people of all ages, genders, and sizes, and loves without discrimination. And I’m sure that’s all he wants in return, a chance to love someone that he can call his own.

One thing my buddy does that will catch many by surprise is jump into your lap and place his paws over your shoulders while showering your entire face with kisses! Just him spreading friendship on those who give him affection. He’s AMAZING…my boy is AMAZING. So proud of him.

Booker T is sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Animal Alliance and you can apply to adopt him here,

Loki is still looking for his forever home, so if you have a fenced yard (required by his rescue) and LOVE taking long w...

Loki is still looking for his forever home, so if you have a fenced yard (required by his rescue) and LOVE taking long walks in local parks (poor guy gets carsick), Loki is the one for you!

Loki had an uneventful week, so let me tell you the story of Sleeping Beauty…I mean Loki! First, it’s important to point out that Loki has a HUGE crate and when in that crate can sleep in any position, facing any direction. Second, he has an extremely plush, memory foam dog bed. Third, he has 4-5 dog blankets on top of the bed. Finally, he then has a few pillow cases with a couple of blankets inside them too because he likes to sleep with his head elevated, but nose buried at the same time. As I’m writing this, Loki is peacefully sleeping away his tiredness. Sweet dreams Loki!

Loki’s favorite pastime is sitting on the picnic table out in the yard and watching people come and go. One day, Loki and I were sitting on the table in the front yard and Merlin with his Handler shouted (to his dog), “Hey Handsome!” When Loki heard this, he instantly turned his head 180 degrees and looked over that direction like, “He’s talking to me, right?”

A few minutes later we hear, “Hey Jackwagon!” And wouldn’t you know it, Loki didn’t turn his head an millimeter! But of course, I turned my head because out of the two of us, Loki and I both knew who they were talking to! LOL

Loki is sponsored by Animal Rescue, Inc. (ARI) and to make him all yours, you can apply here,

Rocco is definitely an amazing dog!  He NEEDS a foster or forever home by the end of July!

Rocco is definitely an amazing dog! He NEEDS a foster or forever home by the end of July!

It was a beautiful week for Rocco! The ground was soft, even slightly muddy at times, but it worked for Rocco. Rocco and Booker finally got a chance to run the fence together, it was quite a run-a-thon! It was so good to see Rocco smiling, its just amazing to me! Booker’s face was like, “FINALLY! I have someone to run with me!!!” They both gassed each other! I’m hoping one day they’ll be able to play together too!

Rocco literally is a big ball of energy, never a dull moment with him! I let him run with Booker, not once, but three times! After that, they were both DONE! The smiles they displayed were like two little kids playing at the park. The funny thing about Rocco is that when you’re thinking he’s done, once I get him inside and he cools down, he jumps right up on the bed, rolls on his back and waiting for me to play with him some more! Rocco really knows how to breathe life into each day!

Rocco is sponsored by Canine Rescue of Central PA, Kennel License 3443. You can apply to ADOPT or FOSTER Rocco here,


Harrisburg, PA


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