Whatchu talkin' bout? Shots? I don't think so.
Make sure you are checking your pets for ticks! They are pretty tiny and can feel waxy.
Catching them early is important!
Dr. Peurifoy is getting ready for surgery in style over at our Cabarrus Animal Hospital location.
Sometimes our team will recommend xrays.
Xrays are an important resource that allow us to assess broken bones, possible trauma, foreign objects, or even cancer.
Patsy has been part of our team for a long time. She works mostly at our Cabarrus Animal Hospital location.
Here you can see her taking her time to prep medications for our patients of the day. We ensure their safety by alway taking our time and storing things properly.
Lots of treats were were consumed in the making of this video.
Treats are the key to training! Dogs are food driven and love rewards.
TIP: choose smaller-sized treats so your dog doesn't fill up too fast and get bored with you.
Emmy has the most unique and beautiful eyes. We love her so much.
Just patiently waiting for the treat part of the visit.
Completely happy getting his face scratched.
This friend is here for a glucose curve. We sporadically check glucose throughout the day to keep track of their levels over a 24 hour period.
What treats and toothpaste you use matter!
Be sure you are cleaning their teeth with a certified toothpaste and certified treats. Look for the emblem of the Veterinary Dental Association.
February is almost over, so don't forget about our dental special!!
In honor of National Pet Dental Month, both clinics will be offering $77 off the price of a dental cleaning (15% off of the dental cleaning). This discount is specific to the cleaning only. If your pet needs oral surgery/tooth extractions, this discount would not apply to the additional work. Space fills up fast, so call today to schedule. If you have not had an exam within the last year or have never been to us, we are offering a FREE Dental Consult at which we will provide you with an estimate for your procedure. Patients must be up to date on vaccines to be admitted for dental.
All that to say, be proactive! Start cleaning your pet's teeth regularly including annual checkups with our vet if possible.
In honor of National Pet Dental Month, Cabarrus Animal Hospital and Harrisburg Animal Hospital will be offering 15% off of the dental cleaning. **This discount is specific to the cleaning only.** If your pet needs oral surgery/tooth extractions, this discount would not apply to the additional work. Space fills up fast, so call today to schedule. If you have not had an exam within the last year or have never been to us, we are offering a FREE Dental Consult at which we will provide you with an estimate for your procedure. Patients must be up to date on vaccines to be admitted for dental.