At our whole horse dissection last weekend, our beloved horse taught us so much. Mr P had a secret, one that he carried to his release. He had a mass attached to his large colon.
I don’t know if this mass had any effect on him.
I’m getting veterinary and pathology advice.
As I’m not a vet, I am not allowed to diagnose but I can describe what I see.
As I have a lifetime of looking inside bodies, both human and horses, I have the training to know what is not usual.
I spent 7 years in a hospital pathology laboratory as a scientific officer. During that time I attended and assisted on human post mortems, how they are completed and what to look for plus what tissues needed to be taken for microscopic analysis. I took the tissues to the histology lab and I processed the tissue for the pathologist, from a chunk of tissue to the stained microscope slide.
Believe me our pathologist was very exact in his requirements and did not accept any sub standard in my processing.
He took me under his wing as he saw I was such an excited and interested student of pathology and he taught me such a lot. He helped me to create a critical thinking brain.
My scientific career started at 4 years old…
What do you want to be when you grow up, Lindsey?
I want to find the cure for cancer and I want to find dinosaur bones.
My day job is exiting as the new cancer treatments are targeting the cancer and getting the body to seek it out and destroy it.
My side job looking into horses feet creates more questions than answers.
And as for the dinosaurs…. My horse skeletons get processed and dug up after a few months, and articulated and studied. As I brush away the soil, and expose the bones, I’m taken back to a 4 year old.
I have posted more photos to my patreon private page. You can join for a free 7 days trial.
Shop my website: https://hoofstudies.com
Thank you to my sponsors❤️
Holistic Equine:
Farrier Speciality products- https://fsphorse.com
Catherine Seingry - https://catherineseingry-equiholistique.fr
The Donkey farrier
Melissa La Flamme - https://www.espacechevalmoderne.com
Lighthoof Mud Control Grids Fix Your Muddy Horse Paddocks Forever - https://www.lighthoof.com
Hoof Doctor/Equine one - https://equine.one, https://hoofdoctor.ca
Heike Veit
Areion Academy
Equine Podiatry and Barefoot Trimming Education - Areion