This adoption journey has been hard financially and emotionally but it has also been a blessing spiritually. I have grown closer to God and have been learning to grow closer to Him in the waiting instead of turning away and shutting down. As we wait for the Lord to match us with the perfect child we are continuing to raise funds in order to bring baby home. If you are able to give anything, even $10 you are immensely blessing our journey and we appreciate you so much. I know that sometimes, even $10 isn’t feasible. If this is the case, please know that your prayers are just as cherished!
If you are able to donate, remember that every $1 you donate is automatically doubled! And your donation is tax deductible!!
Here is our link:
Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of Lifesong's fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of your donation will directly support this family.…