Attention. Please, no judgment!
I'm looking to rehome my children. Honestly, I didn’t do enough research on kids before making this commitment & they just don’t fit into my dog’s schedules anymore. Also, the kids are starting to have behavioral issues like resource guarding toys and such. We just can’t have this much of a liability in our home. The kids are tearing up my house, ruining my furniture, my walls, everything. We are moving & have found a home with an awesome yard for my dogs but just couldn’t find one with enough bedrooms for these kids.
It’s saddens me (please, no judging or negative comments) it’s just the circumstance we’re dealing with. Please PM me if interested.
Does this sound like most dog rehoming posts?
Kids give us the same inconveniences as dogs. Most of us had no idea how to deal with children’s behaviors, but we figured it out & and worked through it. Your dog deserves the same!
A puppy is a lifetime commitment. Think before you buy!
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