It’s easy to chalk up your pet’s slower pace or difficulty getting up to old age, but getting older doesn’t mean they have to be in pain. Arthritis is common in pets, but it doesn’t have to hinder their quality of life. Our canine rehabilitation team can help manage and reduce arthritis pain, improving your pet’s overall well-being.
Pain management for pets is crucial, and it often goes hand in hand with addressing weight issues. Many pets suffering from arthritis are also overweight, which exacerbates their pain and discomfort. One of the best tools we have is our underwater treadmill, which helps pets shed pounds, build muscle, and decrease pain simultaneously.
Take Ellie Mae, for example. This 14-year-old has been visiting us for arthritis treatment, and the results have been remarkable. With a combination of supplements, pain medication, and regular sessions on the underwater treadmill, Ellie Mae has lost a few pounds and is more active than she’s been in years. Her mom reports that she can tell Ellie Mae feels a lot better and is more energetic.
Don’t let age be an excuse for your pet’s discomfort. Contact us today to learn how our canine rehabilitation team can help your pet live a happier, pain-free life! 🐶❤️
#caninerehabilitation #arthritisawareness #ArthritisRelif #Petarthritis #caninerehabilitation
Cat-ivating laser therapy session in progress! 😺✨ Did you know laser therapy offers a range of benefits for our furry friends? From pain relief to accelerated healing, it's a purr-fect way to keep our pets feeling their best!
Here's why it's such a game-changer:
- Promotes Healing: Laser therapy accelerates the body's natural healing process by stimulating cell regeneration and tissue repair. It's like giving our furry friends a boost on their journey to recovery.
- Reduces Inflammation: Inflammation is often a major culprit in post-surgery discomfort. Laser therapy helps alleviate swelling and inflammation, providing much-needed relief for our furry patients.
- Pain Management: Pain management is crucial, especially after surgical procedures. Laser therapy offers non-invasive pain relief by blocking pain signals and triggering the release of endorphins, our body's natural painkillers.
- Enhances Circulation: By increasing blood flow to the affected area, laser therapy delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, promoting optimal healing and tissue regeneration.
- Non-Invasive and Painless: Laser therapy is non-invasive and painless. Our patients can relax and enjoy the treatment without any discomfort or stress.
- Speeds Up Recovery: With its multifaceted benefits, laser therapy helps our furry friends bounce back faster from surgery, injuries, or chronic conditions, getting them back on their paws in no time!
#CanineRehabilitation #LaserTherapy #CanineRehab #LaserTherapyFacts #AnimalMedicalCenter
April is #NationalPetFitnessMonth and we are shining the spotlight on Nala ⭐️ With the dedication of her mom and the support of our canine rehabilitation team, Nala has lost 10 pounds!!
Nala faced some weight gain during her chemotherapy journey. Her mom noticed her uncontrollable hunger and newfound habit of scavenging for food. Determined to help Nala live a healthier and more active life, her mom signed her up for our weight management program with Erica and Kayla. After weeks of hard work and commitment, Nala started to feel better and look thinner! From underwater treadmill sessions to a personalized nutritional plan, Nala received the comprehensive care she needed to thrive. It hasn’t been an easy journey but their hard work has truly paid off- Nala has lost 10 pounds and she is more playful and active than ever💪
We couldn’t be prouder of Nala and her mom for their commitment to her well-being 🌟 Let’s all give Nala a round of applause for this incredible achievement 👏
#PetFitnessMonth #PetWellness #PetWeightloss #Petweightmanagement #WeightLossJourney #caninerehabilitation #underwatertreadmill #caninerehab #Pinebelt
Capone’s first underwater treadmill session 💧🐕 Stay tuned for a success story on this sweet boy!❤️ #animalmedicalcenter #goodboy #pethealthcare #veterinarycare #caninerehab #caninerehabilition #caninerehabtherapy #underwatertreadmill #underwatertreadmillfordogs #pinebelt
Join us behind the scenes as Robin conquers every step of her canine rehabilitation with the support of her mom and our rehab team!
Join us behind the scenes as Robin conquers every step of her canine rehabilitation with the support of her mom and our rehab team ⭐️ Robin is making incredible strides in building muscle mass post TTA surgery!
We are so proud of her and her determination 🐾
#caninerehab #caninerehabcenter #postTTA #caninerehabilitationpractitioner #Rehabsession #physicalrehabilition #AnimalMedicalCenter
Meet Paisley, the Persian cat who etched her name in history at Animal Medical Center by becoming the first feline to undergo back surgery at our clinic! 🐱
Meet Paisley, the Persian cat who etched her name in history at Animal Medical Center by becoming the first feline to undergo back surgery at our clinic! 🐱
Paisley Curvin is a 7-year-old, spayed female Persian cat that came to Animal Medical Center on November 10, 2023, due to loss of function in her rear legs. Her condition worsened progressively since it began earlier that week. During her examination, Dr. Belcher initially suspected that Paisley may have suffered from a "saddle thrombus" caused by heart disease. This is a common condition in cats where a clot lodges at the bifurcation of the aorta and causes paralysis in the pelvic limbs. However, upon examination, Dr. Belcher noted that Paisley had bilateral proprioceptive deficits, knuckling in her rear paws, and a weak but present deep pain response upon toe pinch. Additionally, she had palpable femoral pulses, and her limbs were warm to the touch. This led Dr. Belcher to consider the possibility of a disk herniation in her spinal cord, a condition more prevalent in canines. Dr. Belcher recommended a CT scan and myelogram to evaluate Paisley's spine fully.
The CT results showed a compressive disk lesion at the level of L3-L4 on the right side. Dr. Belcher then suggested a Laminectomy surgery for Paisley, a procedure that would decompress the spinal cord and remove the herniated disk material. Paisley underwent the surgery, and Dr. Belcher successfully removed a significant amount of herniated disk material. Paisley recovered from the surgery without any complications.
However, her road to recovery was far from over, as she needed rest and significant physical therapy to increase her chances of regaining the function of her rear legs. Over the next few days, Paisley's condition began to improve steadily. During her stay at Animal Medical Center, we provided her with routine bladder expression and physical therapy with our certified canine rehab practitioner, Erica Davis. Eventually, Paisley started regain
Meet our Patient of the Month: Shelby the 13 Year Old Labrador Retriever 🌟 Shelby was referred to us for Canine Rehabilitation after she had TTA Surgery at Animal Medical Center. Shelby stayed with us and worked with our Rehab team for a few weeks while her parents were out of town. Erica, our certified rehab practitioner, quickly became her favorite person at Petal Animal Clinic! Here are some words Ms. Erica shared with us; "Shelby aka "Selbers" is one of the sweetest babies ever. She walked me through the clinic by my sweater every day. I wore a sweater in 80-degree weather, specifically for her. Although I'm glad she's recovering well, I miss her so much❤️” #PatientoftheMonth #CanineRehab #CanineRehabilitation #PostSurgery #PhysicalRehab #PetalAnimalClinic #AnimalMedicalCenter
Our Patient of the Day is Drew the Lab 🐾
Drew Welborn is a 6-year-old Labrador Retriever who was hit by a car a few weeks ago. After evaluation by Dr. Belcher at Animal Medical Center, it was determined that Drew would benefit from physical rehabilitation. Therapies for Drew includes pain management, L.A.S.E.R. therapy, underwater treadmill, neuromuscular electrical stimulation, Asissi loop treatments, and assisted weight bearing exercises. Drew's parents are so happy with his progress, and we are praying that he regains the full motor of his rear limbs.
#VeterinaryCare #PatientoftheDay #LabradorRetriever #CanineTherapy #CaninePhysicalRehabilitation #CanineRehab #PetalAnimalClinic
Libby’s biggest motivation: her mama ❤️ We love the special bond between them!
When a pet has been through something as difficult as trauma or surgery, it is important that pet owners are there to help their pets throughout the recovery process. It can be difficult, however, to know what to do to give your pet the support they need. Fortunately, our veterinarians and rehab team can give you some advice that will make the recovery process easier for both you and your pet.
#CanineRehab #CanineRehabilitationTherapy #Underwatertreadmill #SpecialPatient #PetOwner #CanineCare #PetalAnimalClinic
We love Erica’s heart for her patients ❤️ She loves them, spoils them and makes sure they get the best care! Thank you, Erica!
Fergus came by for a visit because he missed Erica and Kayla so much ❤️He is completely recovered from his injuries and loves to run and play with his siblings every day. We are so so proud of him and how far he has come!
#SuccessStory #CanineRehab #Rehab #PhysicalRehab #Petsarefamily #PetalAnimalClinic
Today marks a very special day for our very special pet patients 💙
Specially-ables Pets Day recognizes the differently-abled pets and their stories. We have had the honor of witnessing many pets experience incredible breakthroughs despite their challenges.
If you have a specially-abled pet, or know someone who does, give them a shoutout in the comments below!
#SpeciallyabledPetsDay #DisabledPetsDay #SpecialPatients #DisabledAndLoved #PetalAnimalClinic