Happy Wednesday! Here is Stella showing off her tricks at her first vet visit. Such a love bug! #rescuepup #dogtricks #sweetpup🐾
Day 3 of veterinary technician week! Linda and Breena treated the technicians to a fall breakfast with apple cider! 🍎🍂🍁
Serenity is jumping into the week like…
Happy Monday!
#MemoryMonday 😻
🐾 We have such great memories with Elvis. 😸 He was such a great, loving, set in his ways kitty. He had such a funny personality and even let us dress him up whenever we wanted! 🤡 He didn't mind other dogs 🐶 and if you left your cat carrier in the lobby he was sure to make himself right at home inside. We love and miss you bud 💕🌈
We are deeply saddened to inform that our beloved hospital cat, Elvis, passed away peacefully Thursday afternoon.
He will never be forgotten. He joined our family in 2004 and quickly became our beloved hospital mascot.
He leaves a huge legacy behind him.
Rest in peace Elvis.
Until we meet again <3 🐾😇
Elvis loves greeting all your pets! 🐶🐾🐱
Wait......wait.....wait for it.....OK!!!!
How talented is Tucker?!?! 😆
We have already shared a couple of pictures of Tucker the Beagle taken during a recent visit to see us at the Main Street Animal Hospital of Bradford that showed off just how good looking he is, but this video proves that Tucker isn't just a handsome face! He's smart and talented, as well! ❤️❤️❤️
What do you think?? Are you impressed more by his brains or his beauty??
This video of little Miss Mabel was just too cute not to share! She was apparently too pooped out from all the snuggles and kisses during her recent exam, during which this video was taken, to put a full effort into eating her cookie!!
What do you think? Are you as amused by her antics as we are?? 😂❤️🐾
We promised you more of our adorable puppy friend, Pepper, and we've made good on that promise! Here is some video we took during a recent visit to the Main Street Animal Hospital of Bradford where Pepper shows off a few of her favorite tricks!
Are you as in love with little Pepper as we are?!?! ❤️☺️🐾
Just as promised, it's Miss Shea, showing off her favorite trick for the camera!!
We are so impressed at her talent and it's clear she is one smart dog!!
Are you as impressed as we are?! 😃❤️
It's the Friday before the long Memorial Day Weekend and the sun is already shining brightly!
What could possibly make this day any better, you ask??
What about a little video of Miss Mabel, our bulldog puppy friend?!?! ❤️😊🐾
We hope you enjoy both this video and the long holiday weekend!!!