It’s National Vet Tech Week! We LOVE our team!!
#someheroswearscrubs #vettech #orchardvetclinic
Just paws and enjoy all the cuteness #thatafterbathfeeling #puppylove #puppykisses #orchardvetclinic
Sometimes we do fun things! Thanks to The Junk Drawer for having us! #orchardvetclinic #workhardplayhard #paintparty @thejunkdrawercottage
Come with us while we help a sheep with stalled labor. #sheep #birth #vet #lamb #orchardvetclinic #specialdelivery
The office is my palace and the employees are my subjects #orchardvetclinic #kingbubba #officecat #goldmedal #catolympics #vetmed
Creep crawler Friday! Ear mites on the run! #orchardvetclinic #vetlife #earmites #catsoffacebook
🎁We love gifts around here🎁 #orchardvetclinic #vetlife #vethumor
That cold table feeling on a hot summer day #orchardvet #vetmed #brittanyspaniel #summer
😎That cold table feeling on a hot summer day😎 #orchardvet #vetmed #brittanyspaniel #summer
This #transformationtuesday is brought to you by the little creatures we found by looking at a skin sample under the microscope (pictured below). Do you know what it is?
Lady Bird and Reba feel so much better now that their beautiful hair is growing back thanks to treatment!
#orchardvetclinic #microscopechallenge #puppylove
Watch my doctor
Watch my doctor for a minute #orchardvetclinic #vetmedhumor #watchmydr #Veterinarian
Meet “Iris” the blind kitten with microphthalmia!
#kitten #vet #orchardvetclinic #special
Meet Iris a little rescue kitten with microphthalmia #orchardvetclinic #kittenrescue #kittenlove #vetmed
Meet “Iris”! A sweet baby kitty born without eyes! 👀 ❤️