16 tons of grain for spawn depleted!! Time to get it filled again!!
Wifi touchscreen Fruiting room humidity and temperature controllers for mushroom fruiting rooms coming soon!!
Hobart Continuous Feed Food Processor for drying and extraction
Casing mixing and hydration for agaricus mushroom cultivation. Big thanks to Hillcrest Farms, PA, for letting us video their operations.
Reactor heater hooked up!!
Firing some steam with 600,000 BTUs of natural gas to make some of the best grain spawn available!
Testing the vacuum reduction reactor rig!!!
Having fun breaking in my new toys!!
80 lbs of Elm and Blue oyster 43 ready for harvest today! We have both of these strains and more available on our website in stock, ready to ship!! Hot weather got you worried shipping spawn? No worries, we have ice packs and coolers available, too!!
Final assembly on our new 3x4 flowhoods.
Hide and go seek with Brooke in the mushrooms farm incubation. I love this little girl.
Cactus had one last night in the attic for a 26F night, projected low was 22F. Glad they spent the night cozy. Moving them all out, hopefully, for the last time tomorrow.