We have a nice and cozy facility with full temperature controlled kennels, fully fenced in dog runs, and a loving staff that will care for them during the day, while we care for them at night. You will not be able to get in if you wait until last minute. We are open M-F 7:00AM to 5:30PM and Sat. is 8AM to 11AM and Sunday is 4PM to 6PM no later, and no earlier. Boarding
1 Dog.......$20/night
2 Dogs
.....$19/night (per dog)
3+ Dogs...$18/night (per dog)
Full day (6+ hours)...$14
Half day (6- hours)...$9
*Daycare while boarding is no extra charge
*All dogs must be spayed or neutered
*Vaccinations required: Rabies 1 or 3 year, Parvo/Distemper 1 or 3 year (puppies must have all three rounds of parvo) and Kennel Cough (Bordatella) every 6 months. We do not do grooming so contact Diva Dog Spa for your grooming needs. We are NOT a training facility. We provide bedding, blankets, and toys. You MUST provide your own food and please only bring enough for your stay as storage is limited. If we come to find that your dog is aggressive and will not allow us to handle it, you will be coming back to pick them up.